- Ruan Guang-min (阮光民) (2024-25). The Corner Store – Una vecchia drogheria 1-5 (用九柑仔店1 至5). Milan: Toshokan. Translation and notes by Antonio Paoliello.
- HOM (2024). Priceless: un pittore a Parigi 1-2 (無價之畫:巴黎的追光少年 上&下). Milan: Toshokan. Translation and notes by Antonio Paoliello.
- Lai Tat Tat Wing (黎達達榮). (2024). Due strani mondi (魔笛 + Jumping The HA). Milan: Toshokan. Translation and notes by Antonio Paoliello.
- Liu Cixin (刘慈欣). (2024). El problema dels tres cossos (三体). Barcelona: Raig Verd. Translation into Catalan and notes by Mireia Vargas-Urpí.
- Tsai Wai-man (Man 僧) (2024). The Zeros (0課特工). Milan: Toshokan. Translation and notes by Antonio Paoliello.
- Tse, Dorothy (謝曉虹) (2024). Il professore e la ballerina del carillon (鷹頭貓與音樂箱女孩). Rome: Edizioni e/o. Translation by Antonio Paoliello.
- Wah Kee (張漢華) (2023). My Soul Mate – Fumettisti gemelli (這次真的拼命了). Milan: Toshokan. Translation and notes by Antonio Paoliello.
- Rimui Yumin (韋蘺若明) (2023). Funeral Concerto (送葬協奏曲). Milan: Toshokan. Translation and notes by Antonio Paoliello.
- Ruan Guang-min (阮光民) (2023). Railway Sonata – Sinfonia ferroviaria (鐵道奏鳴曲). Milan: Toshokan. Translation and notes by Antonio Paoliello.
- Chang Sheng (常勝) (2023). Yan 1-6 (閻鐵花 1 至3). Milan: Toshokan. Translation and notes by Antonio Paoliello.
- Ma Boyong (马伯庸). (2022). Un zoo en el fin del mundo (草原动物园). Barcelona: Destino (Áncora y Delfín). Translation by Anne-Hélène Suárez Girard in collaboration with Xianghong Qu.
- Wu Ming-yi (吳明益) (2022). L’home dels ulls compostos (複眼人). Barcelona: Chronos. Translation into Catalan by Mireia Vargas-Urpí.
- Ho Sok Fong (賀淑芳) (2021). “Qualcuno ha visto la vicina?” (墙). En: la Lettura (Corriere della Sera), no. 517. Translation by Antonio Paoliello.
- Li Ang (李昂) (2021). Matar el marit (杀夫). Barcelona: Les Males Herbes. Translation into Catalan by Mireia Vargas-Urpí.
- Xu Dishan (许地山). La moglie del mercante e altre donne cinesi (商人妇、缀网劳蛛、归途、春桃). Turin: Robin Edizioni. Introduction, translation and notes by Antonio Paoliello.
- Dong Xi (东西). 2020. “Nessuna così bella” (你不知道她有多美). En: Internazionale, n. 1390. Translation by Antonio Paoliello.
- Xu Dishan (许地山). 2020. Chuntao, una mujer china (春桃). Barcelona: Lamolapress. Qu Xianghong and Anne-Hélènne Suárez Girard.
- Xiao Hong (萧红). 2020. Cuentos del río Hulan (呼兰河传). Barcelona: Lamolapress. Qu Xianghong and Joaquín Jurado.
- Sanmao (三毛). 2019. Diaris d’enlloc. Barcelona: :Rata_. Translation and notes by Mireia Vargas-Urpi.
- Sanmao (三毛). 2019. Diarios de ninguna parte. Barcelona: :Rata_. Translation and notes by Irene Tor.
- Zhang Ailing (张爱玲). 2019. Incienso (沉香屑:第一炉香/第二炉香). Barcelona: Libros del Asteroide. Translated by Anne-Hélène Suárez Girard in collaboration with Xianghong Qu.
- Zhu Kang (朱抗). 2018. Historia de los distinguidos médicos chinos de la antigüedad (古代医学家的故事). Barcelona: Lamolapress. Qu Xianghong and Joaquín Jurado.
- Jing Yongming (荆永鸣). 2018. “Forasteros” (外地人). In: Bajo el telón de la noche. Literatura china contemporánea. Santiago de Chile: LOM Ediciones. Translation and notes by Mireia Vargas-Urpi.
- Dorothy Tse (謝曉虹). 2017. La cabeza (頭). ¡Hjckrrh! Translation by Juan José Ciruela Alférez.
- Sanmao (三毛). 2017. Diaris de les Canàries (梦中的橄榄树) . Barcelona: :Rata_. Translation and notes by Mireia Vargas-Urpi.
- Sanmao (三毛). 2017. Diarios de las Canarias (梦中的橄榄树). Barcelona: :Rata_. Translation and notes by Irene Tor.
- Esteva, Georgina. 2017. En Nicolau blanc-i- blau i el seu amic Quitu (蓝白队球迷尼古劳). Maçanet de la Selva: Editorial Gregal. Translation by Xianghong Qu.
- Sanmao (三毛). 2016. Diarios del Sáhara (撒哈拉的故事). Barcelona: :Rata_. Translation and notes by Irene Tor.
- Sanmao (三毛). 2016. Diaris del Sàhara (撒哈拉的故事). Barcelona: :Rata_. Translation and notes by Sara Rovira and Irene Tor.
- Lao She (老舍). 2016. El senyor Pantalons de Muntar (马裤先生). Translation by Sílvia Fustegueres Rosich.
- Zhang Ailing (张爱玲). 2016. Un amor que destruye ciudades (倾城之恋). Barcelona. Asteroide. Translation and notes by Anne Hélènne Suárez and Xianghong Qu.
- Mo Yan (莫言). 2015. Trece pasos (︎十三步). Madrid: Editorial Kailas. Traducción and notes by Juan Cosé Ciruela Alférez.
- Javier Marías. 2009. Corazón tan blanco (如此蒼白的心). Taiwan: Eurasian Press (圓神出版社). Translation by Tai Yu-Fen.
- Albert Sánchez Piñol. 2008. La piel fría (冰冷肌膚). Taiwan: Crown Publishing Company (皇冠出版社). Translation by Tai Yu-Fen.
- Gao, Xingjian (高行健). 2008. “El potencial del teatro”. In: Teatro y pensamiento. Barcelona: El Cobre Ediciones, p. 301-323. Translation and notes by Sara Rovira.
- Isabel Allende. 2007. El reino del dragón de oro (金龍王國). Linking Books (聯經出版社). Translation by Tai Yu-Fen and Luisa Shu-Ying Chang (張淑英).
- Gao, Xingjian (高行健). 2007. Contra los ismos. Barcelona: El Cobre Ediciones. Translation and notes by Sara Rovira.
- Juan José Millás. 2006. El desorden de tu nombre (在妳的名字裏失序). Taiwan: Eurasian Press (圓神出版社). Translation by Tai Yu-Fen.
- Chun Sue. 2003. La nina de Pequín. Barcelona: Empúries. Translation and notes by Sara Rovira.
- Ma, Jian. 2002. Treu la llengua saburrosa. Andorra la Vella: Editorial Límits. Translation, prologue and notes by Sara Rovira.
- Feng, Menglong. 2002. Sanyan: Una tria. Barcelona: Proa. (Clàssics Orientals, 4). Translation, introduction and notes by Sara Rovira and Sílvia Fustegueres Rosich.