The Pedagogical Dossier is a comprehensive resource resulting from a series of workshops for secondary school students (aged 12 to 18), organized by the Memorial Democràtic (MEMO). These workshops were developed using materials from the MEMO Witness Archive, documents from the Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya, and the Arxiu del Pavelló de la República de la Universitat de Barcelona.

In close collaboration with the Departament d’Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya, MEMO coordinated a working group of secondary school teachers interested in democratic memory, known as DEMD groups. These groups explored various themes related to democratic memory and represented a broad territorial range across Catalonia, including Lleida, Alt Empordà, Tarragona, Barcelona/Vallès, and Ebre.

The workshop participants prepared a glossary of terms and co-created content on women’s resistance using materials from the Banc Audiovisual de Testimonis (BAT) of the Democratic Memorial. They also selected content for the stage design of an upcoming theatre play, including scripts, audio resources, and flyers. All these materials will be included in the permanent online exhibition.

About the Document

The aim of this guide is to share with the educational community the biographies of some of the women who participated in various Resistance movements across Europe.

The document offers teachers three complementary sections to approach the subject, depending on the time they have available:

  • SECTION I: Comparative analysis through two documentaries.
  • SECTION II: Reading biographies and performing a critical analysis of Resistance from a female perspective.
  • SECTION III: Researching and writing a biography.

Additionally, teachers will find:

  • An introduction and context on Resistance with the KPSI Grid (Knowledge and Prior Study Inventory).
  • A glossary of terms.
  • 12 biographies and life stories of Spanish resistant women.