Gloria E. Casanova Molina
- Role: Phd student
- Email: gloria.casanova@uab.cat
- ORCID: 0000-0003-2889-693X
- Portal de Recerca UAB -EGRETA
My research focuses on:
- Anthropology of and from bodies
- Anthropology of emotions and affections
- Anthropology of subjectivity
- Anthropology of gender and sexuality
- Feminist anthropology
My topics of interest are intersexualities, sex-affective and bodily dissidences, processes of identity construction and sexual embodiment.
I am a member of the group Social and Gender Studies on Corporeality, Subjectivity (LIS)
I am part of the Research Network of and from Bodies and I participate in the Research Group on Anthropology of the Body and Sexuality (GRACS) of the Catalan Institute of Anthropology Doctoral scholarship. Research project Nº72210444, financed by the Advanced Human Capital Training Program of the National Research and Development Association of Chile (ANID).