The Project

BRIGHTER FUTURE is a project aimed at innovation in relation to the school and social inclusion of children in foster care and adopted children, through training for education professionals promoting the development of higher-level skills to enable the improvement of sensitive and inclusive practices.

The consortium is composed by seven partners from four countries:

Comune di Torino
Università di Verona

University of Groningen

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

PAC-UK (Part of Family Action)


  1. To provide advanced training for future education professionals to allow the development of specific skills in order to work with children and teenagers who have been temporarily or permanently separated from their families.
  2. To make available to those already working in the educational field the most up-to-date resources that facilitate the development of inclusive practices and appropriate answers to the needs of students who have experienced early adversity.
  3. To facilitate inclusion in educational environments and in society in general, regardless of the diversity of life trajectories and family situations.
  4. To promote the development of meta-skills for overall social inclusion, both for future professionals and for those who are already in service.
  5. To provide tools to managers and policy makers to design interventions within the education system that counteract educational and psychosocial discrimination.
  6. To provide foster and adoptive parents, as well as other reference figures for children and teenagers who have suffered early adversity, information and resources to understand their reactions and behaviours and respond appropriately.
  7. To contribute to destigmatization and raise awareness about looked-after children and their rights.


A first report on challenges for inclusion according to stakeholders’ experiences

A handbook for teachers

A training module for prospective teachers

An Online Library with short documents focused on specific topics
(to be launched in 2023)