Zavod RISA

What is RISA

The RISA Institute is an organization

from Slovenia.

It is called RISA for short.


What does RISA do

RISA produces information in

Slovene Easy-to-read form.

RISA publishes Easy-to-read books

and a newspaper called 20 MINUTES.

The newspaper is free on the internet.

The internet books are also free.

For example,

you can download

Romeo and Juliet in Slovene.


RISA also teaches people how to make

Easy-to-read information.


Who works for RISA

Many people work for RISA.

Some of them are professionals,

like teachers or social workers.


Some of the people are self-advocates.

Self-advocates are people

who are speaking up for their rights.

They are experts on

what they need and want.

Some of our colleagues

have trouble reading.

They may have learning disabilities.

They need Easy-to-read information.

They are speaking up for

their right to information.

They also help produce and edit

Easy-to-read information.


Many times,

people work for free.

They work in their free time. 

We call those people volunteers.

Volunteers are very important to RISA.



RISA works together with many organizations,

like Slovene universities or the Ministry of Culture.

RISA also does many projects.


One of the projects is called IT IS EASY TO READ.

The project group is making guidelines,

pictures and workshops for

Easy-to-read in Slovenia.


Money for the project comes from

European Union and Republic of Slovenia.


Who has written this information?

Tatjana Knapp has written this information.

You can write her an e-mail

if you have questions about RISA.

Her e-mail address is: