If you want to know more about the project, 

you can ask questions to Anna Matamala.

Anna Matamala is in charge of the EASIT project.

Her e-mail address is: anna.matamala@uab.cat

Data policy

If you contact us,

Anna Matamala will keep your personal data

to inform you about the EASIT project.

Personal data is your name and your e-mail address.

We will not give your personal data

to other people, companies or organisations.

You can ask us:

  • for a copy of your personal data
  • to delete your personal data
  • to change your personal data

If you have any complaints,

you can contact the Catalan Authority for Data Protection.

The EASIT website belongs to Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

If you have any questions, 

you can email the person

in charge of personal data at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

The e-mail is: proteccio.dades@uab.cat

You can also find more information on this website.

This website explains how we protect your personal data.