
Lorena Varo Pérez

PhD Student in Education

Research interests

Short CV

Graduated in Education Sciences and Master’s in Management and Administration of Educational Centers, both from the Universitat de Barcelona.

Throughout my professional career, I have held roles such as Project Manager for the state educational project ‘Misión Alba’ at the ALBA Synchrotron. I have also been Coordinator-Teacher for English Language Training Activities at ACTIVA Formación, and Training Operations Manager at ITAE Psychology.

Currently, I work as a Knowledge, Training, and Academic Management Technician at the Water School, Agbar Group.

My research analyzes the performance of the managerial function carried out by the Management Team, identifying possible training needs related to the position.

Co-directors of thesi: Carme Armengol Asparó and Cecilia Inés Suárez Rivarola