Patricia Olmos Rueda

In this line of research we understand that educational inclusion becomes a principle of educational orientation and action
tutorial, both key mechanisms and processes in addressing and preventing situations of risk, exclusion and vulnerability, becoming the early educational dropout (AEP) the starting point and central axis around which our work revolves. Understanding the complexity of this phenomenon, it is necessary to analyze its risk factors and think about the development of more inclusive educational organizations, with a true culture of equity that guarantees equal opportunity, non-discrimination, inclusion and educational quality, and that, in their objectives, consider developing, implementing and evaluating innovative practices focused on mechanisms of educational guidance and tutorial action that deal with the AEP.

Specifically, in this line of research, we focus on addressing the following questions:

  1. Equity culture of Educational Institutions
  2. Development of inclusive organizations
  3. Prevention of premature educational leaving (AET), re-incorporation and continuity in educational-training itineraries
  4. Improvement of teaching professional competence in terms of: orientation and tutorial action for the prevention of AET, diversity and inclusion
  5. Student welfare