Research interests
Educational improvement through the arts; educational research through visual narratives; artistic research; contemporary art.
Short CV
Professor of artistic education in the Department of Didactics of Musical, Plastic and Corporal Expression of the Faculty of Education Sciences (UAB). PhD in Fine Arts, University of Barcelona.
She collaborates in various research and Educational Projects that Aim the best of education through the arts, through collaboration between educational institutions, cultural institutions and artists.
Her current lines of research will require the hybridizations between art and education, creativity, research methodologies through art and artistic research as a field of research. She has had competitive research grants to carry out research stays and teaching in foreign universities.
In the field of artistic research, she has carried out different artist residencies in Argentina, Paris, London, Mexico, through competitive Bequest. She has obtained painting prizes, and has exhibited super work in different museums, galleries and art centers in different countries.
Check her research activity here.