
Inmaculada Aznar Díaz

Tenured Professor - U. of Granada

Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación
Universidad de Granada
Campus de Cartuja, 18071
Granada – España

Research interests

Short CV

Professor in Department of Teaching and School Organization in University of Granada, PhD in Education from the same University, B.A in Psycho-pedagogy and Primary Education Teacher. She has taught for two academic years in Department of Education, University of Córdoba and has worked as a trainer at the Institute of Occupational Education and Social Studies (IFES-Granada). She is the author of various books, chapters and articles in national and international scientific journals in the area of teaching and school organization (BordonTeachingcommunication and educationUniversitas TarragonensisIberoamericana Communicate JournalJournal of Science of Educationthe 21st Century, etc.). She has spoken at various national conferences and received several awards for best academic performance from the University of Granada and the award for best academic in the area of Social Science from Andalusian Universities. She also has undertaken several national and international visits in Portugal, Mexico, Costa Rica and Bologna. Currently she holds the position of Assistant Dean of Students and Tutorial in Faculty of Education in University of Granada. Her main work concentrated in training for employees and occupational training.