
Xavier Gimeno Soria

Tenured Lecturer

Departament de Pedagogia Aplicada
Edifici G6-268
Campus de Bellaterra
08193, Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)

+34 935 813 197

Research interests

Teaching Health; Early Childhood Care; Teachers Training

Short CV

University Professor at the Department of Applied Pedagogy at the UAB. Teacher at the University of Bologna. Doctor in Pedagogy. Degree in Psychology. Teacher of Infant Education and of Primary Education. Monitor and Director of Leisure Education. Masters in Counseling at Educational Centers. Master’s Degree in Group Analytical Psychotherapy. Masters in Systemic Pedagogy. Integrative Psychology (SAT Program – Claudio Naranjo). Psychophysical training with Yiya Díaz for three years with the Cos-Art method. Californian Massage Esalen. Family guide Grupanist and institutional analyst. Supervisor of professional teams in the fields of education, social services and health. Individual, couple and family psychotherapist. Ritualist and ceremonial. Member of the UAB Infant Education group of the UAB, of the UAB Organizational Development Team (UDE), Co-director of the UAB Research Team on Children, Family and Education (ERIFE) and the postgraduate of Systematic and Multidimensional Education at the UAB. He is a member of the Board of Editors of Rosa Sensat’s Children’s Magazine and of the Infanzia Magazine of the University of Bologna.

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