Keynote from Professor Luque & Professor De Giusti.

The 5th Conference of Cloud Computing and Big Data (JCC & BD) are organized by the Faculty of Computer Science of the UNLP under the auspices of the RedUNCI (Network of National Universities with Computer Science Bachelors) and the collaboration of the HPC4EAS group of the Autonomous University of Barcelona . They form a complementary area to different activities in the area of distributed and parallel processing carried out by the Argentine Universities through RedUNCI.
Professor Luque & Professor De Giusti talked about the CC and that with better capacity of data processing can make faster and intelligent decisions. (+ info)
Professor Luque & Professor Rexachs taught the course “Cloud Computing y Aplicaciones Sociales”

By Professor Luque. VIII edition of the Winter Seminar CAPAP-H, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Spain.

During the first quarter, Professor Luque presented the seminar Methodology for the efficient execution of HPC applications in multi-core environments in the CAPA-H seminar at Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche.

21 March, 2017. Facultad de Ingeniería. Universidad Pública en Montevideo, Uruguay.

Securing your network is not enough. Every service that you deploy is a window into your data center from the outside world—a window that could be exploited by an attacker. Bart Miller and Elisa Heymann explain how to minimize the security flaws in the software you develop or manage. Bart and Elisa focus on the programming practices that can lead to security vulnerabilities and on automated tools for finding security weaknesses. Using interactive secure coding quizzes—synthesized versions of vulnerabilities found in real grid/cloud software—you’ll be challenged to find as many vulnerabilities as you can in short code fragments. Bart and Elisa then dive into what you find (or don’t).

Slides & Info.

Dr. Elisa Heymann participated in the NATO Conference at Souda Bay – Chania – HELLAS

1st Conference on CyberSecurity in the maritime environment, was conducted at NMIOTC and was attended by 125 participants from twenty Allied and Partner nations, International Organizations, the international academic community, as well as representatives from the maritime industry and strategic think tanks. The aim was to gather subject matter experts and the whole community of interest in order to provide opportunities to discuss issues related to this emerging challenge in the maritime environment.The Chief of HNDGS, Admiral E. Apostolakis GRC (N) and the Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR), General C. Scaparotti USA (A) addressed the participants, highlighting the importance of the matter.

Open position of Research Staff in Training (PIF) at HPC4EAS research group, Department of Computer Architecture and Operating Systems, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona for 3 years doctorate program.

Concurso para la contratación de 1 plaza de Personal Investigador en Formación (PIF) en el grupo de investigación HPC4EAS, del Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores y Sistemas Operativos, de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, para la realización del doctorado.

Acceder al anuncio general de la “Convocatoria de concursos para la Contratación de nuevo Personal Docente e Investigador en Formación para el curso 2017-2018” de la UAB en el enlace:

La información detallada, incluyendo el procedimiento de solicitud, se puede consultar en el enlace:

Perfil: 55622-3/Investigador Predoctoral a Tiempo completo-1949C08/Análisis y Predicción de las Prestaciones del Sistema de Entrada Salida Paralelo para la Gestión de Grandes Volúmenes de Datos


El procedimiento de solicitud y el envío de información es electrónico, y requiere firma electrónica. El Plazo de presentación de solicitudes y la Documentación requerida, los siguientes:

  • El periodo de presentación de solicitudes finaliza el próximo día 16 de mayo de 2017.
  • Para participar en la convocatoria se debe presentar una solicitud según el modelo del anexos 3, en formato electrónico y firmado electrónicamente, junto con los documentos siguientes en formato PDF:
    • a) Documento de Indentidad, DNI o el pasaporte vigente en el caso de los ciudadanos de países que no pertenecen a la UE.
    • b) Currículo (CV).
    • c) Certificado del expediente académico de la titulación de grado, de licenciatura y de máster (si es necesario para la inscripción al doctorado)

Persona de contacto: Dra. Dolores Rexachs

Facultad de Informática – Universidad Nacional de La Plata – Argentina
Concursos Ordinarios de Profesor

Fecha de inscripción:
17-04 -2017 al 17-05-2017
Mas información en:

Methodology for the efficient execution HPC applications in multi-core environments. IBM (New York). December 6, 2016. Prof Emilio Luque. Computer Architecture and Operating System Department (CAOS). HPC for Efficient Applications & Simulation (HPC4EAS). University Autonoma of Barcelona (UAB), Spain


In parallel applications executed in HPC environments there are idle times during the execution that can be caused by communication collisions or cache conflits generating cache misses. 
We are developing a methodology, for message passing parallel scientific applications, which attempts to reduce the applications execution time by reducing these idle times.
In our proposal, to allocate processes to processors, we define two kind of “forces” acting among the processes: attraction and repulsion forces.
  1. Attraction forces are used to approximate those processes interchaning high volumes of communications, in order to speed up the communication.
  2. Repulsion forces are used to “separate” those processes with high volumes of data, in order to avoid they can share common caches, generating high cache misses ratios.

Dr. Manuel Taboada González & Dr. Hugo Meyer (members of HPC4EAS): they received the extraordinary doctoral award, November 2016.


The project (which involved HPC4EAS members) H4H (Hybrid4HPC),  received the Award of Excellence in the category “Business impact” (ITEA Consortium, Stockholm, Sweden).

The H4H project (Optimise HPC Applications on Heterogeneous Architectures), was developing a single hybrid programming environment that will enable the European research and industry to compete globally in this strategically important HPC market (Oct 2010 – Feb 2015). 

1. Project presentation

2. Project result leaflet

3. Project website

By Dr. Gonzalo Zarza, Globant, at Escola d’Enginyeria (auditorium) 28 October 2016, 11:00am.


Gonzalo Zarza (Former HPC4EAS Member), Director of Technology at Globant Big Data, talks about the main practices of Big Data, identifying development opportunities as well as tools, architectures, integration and data visualization. He also showed several success cases developed by Globant atUSA, UK, Argentina and Spain. 


CloudMas as Government Competency of AWS and HPC4EAS sign an agreement to promote and incorporate the Cloud Computing in European Universities.

This agreement will allow to develop new projects and research on cloud computing on Amazon infrastructure.

Ph.D Dissertation: Francisco Borges. Friday 30 of September 2016. Auditorium of Engineering School. UAB. Campus Bellaterra. Spain

Phd Thesis defensed Friday 30 of September, 2016 (12:00am):

       – Francisco Borges. Care HPS: A High Performance Simulation Methodology for Complex Agent-Based Models. 




Laura Espínola and Cecilia Jaramillo, PHD students of HPC4EAS research group, attended the last “ACM-W Europe WomENcourage 2016 Celebration of Women in Computing” (Linz, Austria on September 12th to 13th, at Johannes Kepler University).

ACM-W Europe Celebration of Women in Computing: WomENcourage 2016 is a networking event par excellence. The main aim of this event is to encourage young women including students at all levels, researchers and early practitioners it promotes discussion among peers as well as senior people in the field.

Mrs. Espínola & Mrs. Jaramillo participated in the event with the presentation of:

  1. Improving Communications in MPI Cloud (Laura Espinola, Daniel Franco and Emilio Luque)
  2. Nosocomial infection simulator using ABMS techniques (Cecilia Jaramillo, Dolores Rexachs, Emilo Luque and Francisco Epelde)

The ACACES Summer School is organized by the HiPEAC Network of Excellence.

This summer school took place in Fiuggi, Italy from 10 to 16 July 2016. This year, Laura Espínola and Cecilia Jaramillo Jaramillo,  HPC4EAS members, attended to this summer school.
The ACACES Summer School is a one week summer school for computer architects and tool builders working in the field of high performance computer architecture and compilation for computing systems. The school aims at the dissemination of advanced scientific knowledge and the promotion of international contacts among scientists from academia and industry. 

September 2016.

Professor E. Luque gave the conference El papel de la simulación en procesos de Big  Data at the Universidad Católica del Maule (UCM). Chile.


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