From 16 to 19 June 2025, the event will be held under the title ‘Towards Environmental and Spatial Justice: The Role of Geography and Territorial Planning’ and will combine the XXIV Polish-Mexican Symposium and the V Polish-Colombian Symposium. For more details, click here.
On 05 February at the University of Calabria, the ILL seminar No. 46 entitled ‘’La povertà nell’Argentina di Milei’ was held by Eduardo Chávez Molina and José Rodríguez de la Fuente of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). You can see the contents in the following link.
El día 31 de enero en la Universidade da Coruña se realizó el seminario ILL Nº 45 titulado “El largo plazo en las migraciones. Desigualdades interseccionales y estrategias de sostenibilidad de la vida de mujeres migrantes adultas mayores”, realizado por María José Magliano de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC) y el Consejo Nacional de […]