The INCASI2 project proposes the creation of a Living Lab on Socio-economic Inequalities between Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean (INCASI Living Lab) in order to forge international scientific cooperation on socio-economic inequalities to solve present and future challenges and to elaborate diagnoses and practical conclusions to inform the design of innovative public policies aimed at addressing situations of socio-economic inequality in collaboration with socio-economic, political and scientific actors.

In this sense, the activity of the network will be developed and disseminated through scientific seminars with different contributions for the construction of the new DYSIC index, recommendations, guides and protocols for action will be developed for its application at local, national and international level, both in the public and private spheres, and an open space for reflection will be generated.

The INCASI Living Lab is designed to add value to the innovation process around three basic aspects: the development of a solidarity strategy of open innovation, the monitoring of a methodology focused on the just life of people and the creation of a space for thought and transversal action that allows the participation of different socio-economic, political and scientific agents.