12 November 2024.
Direct worker participation and psychosocial risks at work: a dialogue between scientific-technical knowledge and knowledge derived from trade union experience
Over the last decades, working methods inspired by direct participation have spread in workplaces (private and public institutions). This term refers to work management practices that involve some kind of decentralisation of decision-making from management to workers. These practices can be individual or collective and may involve different degrees of discretion (e.g. consultation or delegation of decisions) and different issues and should, at least in theory, improve the working conditions of workers.
Do workers have any margin of autonomy to have a say or to decide on the tasks to be performed, the times and rhythms to be followed, the goals to be achieved? What implications does this have for their health?
With these questions we would like to open an exchange between academia and trade unionism to reflect on how these practices work in practice, thus revealing positive aspects, limitations and ambiguities that can have an impact on the health of workers.
Roundtable discussion and reflection with trade union leaders
Clara Llorens – Serrano, InstitutoSindical de trabajo, Ambiente y Salud ( ISTAS-F1M), CCOO; POWAH, IET – Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona.
Albert Navarro – Giné, POWAH, IET-Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona.
Moderator :
Patrizio Tonelli, academic of the Occupational Health Programme, School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile.
Enquiries and registration at the following email address: prpino@uchile.cl
Broadcast on YouTube here
Source: School of Public Health, Uniersity of Chile