On 5, 6 and 7 March 2025, the IV Conference on Sociology will be held at the National University of Mar del Plata.
On this occasion only extended abstracts will be received, therefore, the table coordinators may reject, accept or indicate that they could be presented at another table. Each participant may submit up to two extended abstracts, one of which may be co-authored (up to 3 people). The length of the extended abstract will be between 1500 and 3000 characters. To do so, download the template, create the extended abstract and attach it in PDF format to the corresponding table. The file must be named in the following way: SURNAME-TABLE-RA. Example: FERNÁNDEZ-MESA 1-RA. In the case of co-authored extended abstracts, only one exhibitor should upload it, with the surnames in alphabetical order: example: FERNÁNDEZ-LÓPEZ- PÉREZ-MESA 1-RA.
Reception of extended abstracts: until 1 November 2024.
Books submission: until 1 November 2024
For more information, check the congress website https://humanidades.mdp.edu.ar/iv-jornadas-de-sociologia/