
María Luz Dahul

Doctoral fellow of theNational Council of Scientific and TechnicalResearch (2016-2021), underthedirection of Susana Aparicio, withworkheadquarters in the Rural StudiesArea of the Gino GermaniResearchInstitute, Faculty of Social Sciences oftheUniversity of Buenos Aires. She has a degree in Social Service (NationalUniversity of Mar del Plata), iscompletingtheMaster’sThesis in Social Work (NationalUniversity of La Plata) and is a doctoral candidate in Social Sciences at theUniversity of Buenos Aires. Herresearchfocusesonthestudy of theways in whichworkisorganized in horticulture and the link withchild labor, specifically in themarket of horticulturalwork of the General Pueyrredón, segmentedbyethnicity / nationality and age. Aroundthisproblemshe has publishedarticles in scientificmagazines and presentations at congresses.