
Eriikka Oinonen

Main researcher at YKY/UTA. Sociologist. Doctor in Sociology and Senior Lecturer in Social Sciences and Sociology at the University of Tampere (Unit of Pori), Finland. Her research focuses on different aspects of transition from youth to adulthood, family institution, sociology of personal life and cross-national comparative research. Methodologically, interests lie also in different ways of applying visual and narrative methods and ways to use fiction in social scientific research and teaching. Currently she works with the research project From university to (work) life studying transition of university graduates to work and life in contemporary Europe. During her academic career she has coordinated and worked with several national and international projects and networks. She is appointed as a board member of the Westermarck SocietyFinnish Sociology Association and of the Finnish Youth Research Society. She is also a member of the editorial board of the Finnish Journal of Youth Research (Nuorisotutkimus). She is an active member of several national and international associations and research networks such as The Finnish Association of Work-Life Research, Finnish Youth Research Society, ESA Youth and Generation Research Network and ESA Sociology of Families and Intimate Lives Research Network.

Researchers in the INCASI project