
Pedro López-Roldán

Degree in Economics and Business Studies, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies en Mathématiques, Informatique et Applications aux Sciences de l’Homme, opción de Statistique et Modélisation dans les Sciences Sociales, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales de París. Ph. D. in Sociology, Department of Sociology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Researcher of the Sociological Research Center on Everyday Life and Work (QUIT, http://quit.uab.cat/), and of the Institut for Labour Studies (IET, http://iet.uab.cat/), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Coordinator of the Master in Applied Social Research Methods (TISA). Main lines of research: 1) Social Research Methods: Multivariate Data Analysis, Typological Construction, Mixed Methods. 2) Sociology of Labour and Social Inequalities: Labour Market Segmentation, Labour Trajectories and Immigration, Analysis of Social Inequalities and Social Mobility, Relationship among Time, Work and Everyday Life. 

Main coordinator of the INCASI network

E-mail: Pedro.Lopez.Roldan@uab.cat / Personal web: http://pagines.uab.cat/plopez/


Rafael Merino

He is a lecturer of Department of Sociology, Autonomous University of Barcelona. He gives lectures in sociology of education, both in undergraduate level (bachelor in social education, bachelor in educational studies) and postgraduate (master in secondary teaching, master in youth studies and society). He is the director of Education and Work Research Group, he does research in school-to-work transition, secondary school and vocational training, educational policy and skills learning in non-formal ways. He has published articles in scientific journals, Spanish (such as Revista de Educación) and international (such as Education Policy Analysis Archives), and he has produced reports commissioned by public bodies and other stakeholders, to promote the knowledge transference to the community. He belongs to the International Study of City Youth, he has founded the Spanish Research Network of Youth and Society, and he is the secretary of Youth and Society research group of Spanish Federation of Sociology. He is involved as an expert in the Youth Partnership of Council of Europe to promote youth work and youth policy.


Sandra Fachelli

PhD in Sociology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Diploma of Advanced Studies in Sociology, Master in Introduction to Research in Sociology (UAB), Master in Design and Management of Policies and Social Programs (FLACSO Argentina), she studied Anthropology in the Universidad de Buenos Aires, she is BA in Sociology from the Universidad Argentina John F. Kennedy. Member of Academic Commission and Task Manager of INCASI Project. Researcher of the Research Group on Education and Work (GRET) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona and teacher in the Departament of Sociology of Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla). Teaching Coordinator and professor of the Master in Applied Social Research Techniques (TISA). Main lines of research: inequality, stratification and social mobility, higher education and employment, impact of social policies.

Email: Sandra.Fachelli@uab.cat | Publications: Articles, Books and chaptersCurse MaterialsContributions to conferences and congressesResearch papers and targeted papers.

Researchers in the INCASI project