
José Saturnino Martínez

He is Professor of Sociology at the Universidad de La Laguna and author of Social structure and inequality in Spain (La Catarata 2013). Graduated in Political Sciences and Sociology (Universidad Complutense), Master in Economics of Education and Labour (U. Carlos III) and Doctor in Sociology (U. Autónoma de Madrid). He is expert in inequality and education. He has been a fellow at the Center for Sociological Research at the U. Complutense and the U. de Salamanca. He has spent periods of research in the Department of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin (Madison) and several Spanish universities. He has taught at the U. de Salamanca and the Center for Sociological Research (CIS). Between 2007 and 2011 he was senior adviser in the staff of Spanish President Rodriguez Zapatero. It has also made reports or advised the Ministry of Education, Government of Andalusia, the Youth Council of Spain, Save the Children, Caritas or the Canary Government. His research, conducted within the framework of competitive research projects have been published in academic journals such as Revista de Educación, Revista Internacional de Sociología and Papers. Collaborates with various media such as El País, Cadena Ser, Diario.es, Infolibre, Escuela or Le Monde Diplomatique.

José Saturnino’s personal webpage

Reserachers in the INCASI project