
Leticia Muñiz

Leticia Muñiz Terra is Researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research. She is Professor of the Sociology Department, Institute for Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences (FaHCE) National University of La Plata (UNLP). Subjet: Methodology of social research II (Qualitative). Professor in PhD in Social Sciences. FaHCE / UNLP. Subject: Seminar of thesis II. She is member of Interdisciplinary  Center for Methodology of Social  Sciences. She is PhD in Social Sciences of University of Buenos Aires (December 2009). Magister in Social Sciences of labor.. University of Buenos Aires.  (September 2007). Teacher in Sociology. Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences. National University of La Plata. (December 2003). She got the Degree in Sociology at Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences. National University of La Plata. (April 2002).Her research interests are: Labor path, managerial restructuring, gender, generation, social classes. And Research Methods: Qualitative Research -life history, methodological approaches linked to the labor studies.

Contact: lmunizterra@conicet.gov.ar

Researchers in the INCASI project