
Renata Semenza

Professor of Economic and Labour Sociology at the University of Milan, Department of Social and Political Sciences (SPS). Coordinator of the European Master in Labour Studies (MEST-EMLS); Member of SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics); ISA (International Sociological Association) and CHESS (Center for Higher Education and Society Studies) at the University of Milan. As an expert in comparative labour markets analysis, gender and social inequalities, she participated to many European projects. She is now principal investigator of the project “Independent Workers and Industrial Relations in Europe”- I-WIRE (VS/2016/0098) and principal investigator for the University of Milan of the project “International Network for Comparative Analysis on Social Inequalities” INCASI (Horizon 2020-MSCA-RISE-2015). Her research is inter-disciplinary, comparative and often combines quantitative data analysis alongside the qualitative methods.

Investigadores en el proyecto INCASI