Created in 2009, the MIRAS (Mediation and Interpretation: Research in the Social Area) research group’s main object of study is Public Service Interpreting (PSI). The group was founded on the initiative of a group of researchers from the Department of Translation and Interpreting and East Asian Studies of the UAB, in view of the growing demand for skilled translators and interpreters made by different immigrant care services from the Catalan public administration. The training and accreditation of this professional profile, as well as the research associated with its activity, become academic and scientific challenges that the group will have to face.

MIRAS integrates researchers from the UAB, as well as researchers from other national and international universities, and collaborators who are professionally linked to PSI and intercultural mediation.

In recent years, and thanks largely to the pioneering work of the group through competitive research projects, PSI has become a recognized activity both at the state and autonomous level, and is one of the most prolific research lines in Translation and Interpreting Studies, with an important impact on this discipline. The integrity of the group, as well as its international and interdisciplinary nature, has led to innovative and quality research, structured around the two traditional areas of action within PSI: community interpreting (including healthcare, educational and social care interpreting); and legal interpreting (including court and police interpreting, as well as interpreting in asylum and other administrative procedures).


Departament de Traducció i d’Interpretació i d’Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Edifici K, Campus de la UAB
08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)

Tel:  +34 935813368