Presentation of the International Conference on Networks with Gender by Begonya Saez Tajafuerce, Meri Torras and Margarita Freixas. Organized by the Department of Philosophy of the Autonomous University of Barcelona within the Encarna Sanahuja Yll project.
Dialogue between Liliana Arroyo and Mayo Fuster at the International Networks with Gender Conference. Organized by the Department of Philosophy of the Autonomous University of Barcelona in the framework of the Encarna Sanahuja projectYll.
Lecture by Lupe Romero at the International Conference on Gender Networking. Organized by the Department of Philosophy of the Autonomous University of Barcelona in the framework of the project Encarna Sanahuja Yll.
Workshop by the Internship Group of the SGR Body and Textuality at the International Conference on Gender Networks. Organized by the Department of Philosophy of the Autonomous University of Barcelona in the framework of the Encarna Sanahuja Yll project.
Round table on Gender Networks in Institutions with the participation of Núria Ramon Pérez (ICD), Montse Pineda Lorenzo (CNDC), Tània Verge (Xarxa Vives) and Carme Sanmartí (IEdG). This four-part presentation is part of the International Networks with Gender Conference, organized by the Department of Philosophy of the Autonomous University of Barcelona within the framework of the Encarna Sanahuja Yll project.
Round table on Gender Networks in Activisms with the participation of Lídia Vaquero (El Safareig), Mercè Otero (Feminist Network), Dolores Pulido (CalaDona) and Núria Vergés (Alia / Donestech). This four-part presentation is part of the International Conference on Gender Networks, organized by the Department of Philosophy of the Autonomous University of Barcelona in the framework of the Encarna Sanahuja Yll project.
Dialogue between Alejandra Castillo and Lucas Platero at the International Networks with Gender Conference. Organized by the Department of Philosophy of the Autonomous University of Barcelona in the framework of the Encarna Sanahuja Yll project.