The EU Green Week is one of the key events in the EU environmental policy calendar. It is an annual event in which environmental policymakers, leading environmentalists, stakeholders, and other interested parties from across Europe and the globe meet to discuss environmental policies, environmental education, and social change.
In addition to the high level conference held in Brussels (30 May – 5 June 2022), there are also a number of partner events and activities taking place.
The GreenSCENT project has been selected as an official partner of EU Green Week. One of the goals of GreenSCENT is to foster awareness and action for climate and environmental justice. One way to achieve this aim is to join roundtable discussions in which themes, such as green and smart education, accessibility and sustainability are debated.
With this in mind, TransMedia Catalonia is leading a participatory event on 30 May 2022 on “Creative educational materials towards Green Deal children engagement”. As part of this initiative, project partners will meet to discuss different educational tools and strategies to promote actions toward fulfilling the Green Deal objectives as well as raise awareness of environmental issues with children and young people.
This is a closed event which will be held to a select number of invited participants only.
Where: Room 204, Faculty for Translation and Interpreting, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona