Anna Matamala (main researcher)

Anna Matamala, BA in Translation (UAB) and PhD in Applied Linguistics (UPF, Barcelona), is Full Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Leader of Transmedia Catalonia research group, Anna Matamala has participated (DTV4ALL, ADLAB, HBB4ALL, ACT, ADLAB PRO, IMAC, TRACTION) and led (AVT-LP, ALST, VIW, NEA, EASIT, RAD) funded projects on audiovisual translation and media accessibility. She is currently involved in the WEL project and is leading the AccessCat network. She has taken an active role in the organisation of scientific events such as the Media for All conference or the Advanced Research Audio Description Seminar ARSAD and has published extensively in international journals such as Meta, The Translator, Perspectives, Babel, Translation Studies, among others. She is the author of a book on interjections and lexicography (IEC, 2005), co-author (with Eliana Franco and Pilar Orero) of a book on voice-over (Peter Lang, 2010), author of a book on audiovisual accessibility and translation (Eumo, 2019), and co-editor of various volumes on audiovisual translation and media accessibility. Joan Coromines Prize in 2005, APOSTA Award to Young Researchers in 2011, Dr. Margaret R. Pfanstiehl Memorial Achievement Award in Audio Description Research and Development 2021.
Her research interests are audiovisual translation and accessibility. She is also actively involved in standardisation work.
Carme Mangiron

Carme Mangiron, PhD, is an associate professor, a member of the research group TransMedia Catalonia at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and a member of the knowledge transfer network AccessCat.
She was awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award at UAB in 2022. She has extensive experience as a translator, specializing in software and game localisation.
Her main research areas are game localisation, game accessibility, audiovisual translation and accessibility to the media.
She has published extensively in international journals and participated in several national and international research projects. She is co-author of Game Localization: Translating for the Global Digital Entertainment Industry (O’Hagan and Mangiron, 2013), and the main organiser of the Fun for All Conference, about game translation and accessibility, which is held at UAB every two years.
Estel·la Oncins

Estel·la Oncins holds a PhD in Accessibility and Ambient Intelligence form the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
She has a large experience in providing accessibility for live events as a freelance translator, subtitler, surtitler, respeaker for different Spanish televisions and conferences, and as an audiodescriber for Liceu Opera House. Her research areas are audiovisual translation, media and digital accessibility and creative industry.
She is currently involved in the Education and Outreach Working Group (EOWG) from W3C. She is a partner in KA2 LTA and IMPACT. She is also a partner in H2020 projects HELIOS and TRACTION.
María Machuca

María J. Machuca received a PhD in Spanish Philology from the Universitat Autònomade Barcelona (UAB), and she was appointed full-time lecturer in Spanish Language at the same university. Her research, publications and participation in national and international projects deal with the application of experimental phonetics to different research areas, such as forensic phonetics, speech technology, speaking styles, and foreign language acquisition.
Her publications can be retrieved from:
Miquel Edo

Miquel Edo (Barcelona, 1966) has been lecturing at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, since 1992.
His research interests are mainly focused on the reception of 19th and 20th-century Italian literature in Spanish speaking countries, about which he has published numerous essays and articles, the majority concerning the genre of poetry, several of which focus on the translation of opera librettos.
In addition, he has published translations of Italian and French poetry into Spanish and Catalan.
Olga Soler-Vilageliu

Associate professor at UAB, where she teaches psycholinguistics and cognitive processing to undergraduates in Psychology and Speech Therapy.
With a background on language processing, her research has focussed on on-line measures of handwriting in preschool and school children, and she is connected to international networks working on literacy (COST IS1401).
Within the Transmedia projects she is currently setting up experiments on different accessibility services: quality of perception of Sign Language on TV and emotional involvement of users of Audiodescription and AudioSubtitling.
Pilar Orero

PhD (UMIST, UK) works at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain) in the TransMedia Catalonia Lab. She has written and edited many books, near 100 academic papers and almost the same number of book chapters –all on Media Accessibility.
Leader and participant on numerous EU funded research projects focusing on media accessibility. She works in standardisation and participates in the UN ITU IRG-AVA – Intersector Rapporteur Group Audiovisual Media Accessibility. She has been working on Immersive Accessibility for the past 4 years first in a project called ImAc, which results are now further developed in TRACTION, MEDIAVERSE, MILE, and has just started to work on green accessibility in GREENSCENT.
She led until December 2022 the EU network LEADME on Media Accessibility.
She is the Co-Chair of Study Group on Accessibility and Inclusion in the ITU Metaverse Focus Group.