Investigació sobre els factors de l’entorn que condicionen l’emprenedoria femenina.

* Aparicio, S., Audretsch, D., Noguera, M., & Urbano, D. (2022). Can female entrepreneurs boost social mobility in developing countries? An institutional analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change175, 121401.

Turro, A., Noguera, M., & Urbano, D. (2020). Antecedents of entrepreneurial employee activity: does gender play a role?. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 26(8), 1685-1706.

Butkouskaya, V., Romagosa, F., & Noguera, M. (2020). Obstacles to Sustainable Entrepreneurship Amongst Tourism Students: A Gender Comparison. Sustainability, 12(5), 1812.

Noguera, M., Alvarez, C., & Urbano, D. (2013). Socio-cultural factors and female entrepreneurship. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal9(2), 183-197.

Alvarez, C., Noguera, M., & Urbano, D. (2012). Condicionantes del entorno y emprendimiento femenino: un estudio cuantitativo en España. Economía industrial, (383), 43-52.

Articles seminals sobre aquest tema:

* Baughn, C.C., Chua, B., Neupert, K.E. (2006). The normative context for women’s participation in entrepreneurship: A multicountry study. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice. 30(5), 687–708.

Brush, C. (1992). Research on women business owners: past trends, a new perspective and future directions. Entrepreneurship Theory and practice. 16(4), 5–30.

Brush, C., de Bruin, A., Welter, F. (2009). A gender-aware framework for women’s entrepreneurship. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 1(1), 8– 24.

Carter, S., Rosa, P. (1998). The financing of male -and female- owned business. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 10 (3), 225–241.

De Bruin, A., Brush, C., Welter, F. (2007). Advancing a framework for coherent research on women’s entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 31(3), 323–339.

Gatewood, E.J., Brush, C., Carter, N., Greene, P., Hart, M. (2009). Diana: a symbol of women entrepreneurs’ hunt for knowledge, money, and the rewards of entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 32(2), 129–145.

Langowitz N., Minniti, M. (2007). The entrepreneurial propensity of women. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 31(3), 341–364.

* Minniti, M., Arenius, P., Langowitz, N. (2005). 2004 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Special Topic Report: Women and Entrepreneurship, Center for Women’s Leadership at Babson College, Babson Park, MA.

Verheul, I., van Stel, A., Thurik, R. (2006). Explaining female and male entrepreneurship at the country level. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 18(2), 151–183.