Dr Esther Nieto, Co-Investigator, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Dept of English)
I hold a BA in English Philology, a BA in French Philology, a BA in Spanish Philology, a BA in Law and a PhD in English Studies (Applied Linguistics) from the University of Castilla-La Mancha. Currently, I am a lecture at the Faculty of Education of Ciudad Real (UCLM) where I have taught “English Language and Didactics”, “Grammar and Discourse”, and “Practical methodology for early childhood”. I am the coordinator of English of the MA in Secondary Education Teacher (UCLM), where I have also taught: “Methodology, Resources and Assessment”, “Curricular design I: Planning”, and “Seminar in innovation in language teaching”. I have also been a visiting researcher in Queen’s University Belfast (UK), University of Cardiff (UK), University of Milan (IT), University of Bologna (IT), and University of Lisbon (PT), among others.
My main research interest revolves around bilingual education in all education levels. I have studied the acquisition of the target language and the mother tongue, content learning and key competences (learning to learn, emotional competence, digital competence) in bilingual programmes in primary and secondary school, and I have been the head of two innovation university teaching projects about the implementation of EMI: “Bilingual teachers: study and experimentation for the implementation of bilingual degrees in the Faculties of Education of the UCLM” (2017/2019), and “REMARE-EMI: Repository of Materials and Resources for English-Medium Instruction” (2019-2021).
The more recent research projects I have taken part in look into diverse aspects connected to bilingual education: “APINGLO-UCLM” (FFI2014-54179-C2-2-P), “Developing Content and Language Integrated Learning-Resource and Training Centre for a Multilingual India” (573884-EPP-1-2016-1-IN-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP), and ADIBE (RTI2018-093390-B-I00). I have published my work in indexed scientific journals such as Porta Linguarum, RLA, ELIA, and IJES, among others and in books and books chapters of prestigious publishing houses such as Peter Lang, Springer, Síntesis and Graò.