Codó, E. and Sunyol, A. (in press, 2024) “L’aprenentatge vital de l’anglès”: els discursos de famílies catalanes sobre la mobilitat educativa adolescent a l’estrangerTreballs de Sociolingüística Catalana 34, 13-29.

Sunyol, A. and Codó, E. (under review) Activistas de la inmersión. Cómo las intermediarias moldean las experiencias de aprendizaje adolescente en el extranjero. In Perales, A., O. Alvarez & M. Hansen (Eds.) Escuela, Inmigración y Multilingüismo. Madrid: Síntesis.


McDaid, J. and Sunyol, A. (2023) “GAPS”, workers with no schedule: hybrid forms of casualised/voluntary workers in ESA boarding schools.” In Schedel, L. and Jakubiak, C. (Eds.)Voluntourism and Language Learning/Teaching: Critical Perspectives (pp. 243-268). Palgrave. 

Alarcón Utrera, A.B. & E. Nieto Moreno de Diezmas (in press) Family involvement in multilingual education. In S. Karpava (Ed.) Multilingualism, Multiculturalism and Inclusive Education. BRILL.


Mansfield, M.-A. (2022). The role of multilingualism in the construction of social identity in a high social class family: A sociolinguistic ethnographic study. In Poveda, D. & A. Moustaoui (Eds.) Sociolinguistic Studies (16)2: 203-222. (Special issue “Family language policy and the family sociolinguistic order in a neoliberal context”).

Nieto Moreno de Diezmas, E. & A.B. Alarcón Utrera (2022) Intensive parenting and elective bilingualism English/Spanish in Spanish monolingual families: From language ideologies to practice. Porta Linguarum. Monograph V: 133-149.

Codó, E. & E. Riera-Gil (2022) The value(s) of English as global linguistic capital: A dialogue between linguistic justice and sociolinguistic approaches. In J. Soler & S. Morales-Gálvez (Eds.) Linguistic justice and global English: Theoretical and empirical approached (special issue). International Journal of the Sociology of Language 277: 95-119.


Codó, Eva (2021) Localizable vs non-localizable English: New inequalities in ‘democratizing’ access to English in Spanish education. For Tupas, R., Rubdy, R. & Saraceni, M. (Eds.) Bloomsbury World English Volume 2: Ideologies. London/New York: Bloomsbury.

Codó, Eva and Ana María Relaño-Pastor (2021) Researching Multilingual Education: Ethnographic Perspectives. For C. Siry, C. Schreiber, R. Gómez Fernández, and R. Reuter. Critical Methodologies for Researching Teaching and Learning. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.


Relaño Pastor, A. M. (2019). Special Issue: Ethnographic perspectives to teaching and learning in multilingual contexts. Foro de Educación, 17(27), 1-184. Doi: https://doi.org/10.14516/fde.765