Codó, E. and Sunyol, A. (in press, 2024) “L’aprenentatge vital de l’anglès”: els discursos de famílies catalanes sobre la mobilitat educativa adolescent a l’estranger. Treballs de Sociolingüística Catalana 34.

Sunyol, A. and Codó, E. (under review) Activistas de la inmersión. Cómo las intermediarias moldean las experiencias de aprendizaje adolescente en el extranjero. In Perales, A., O. Alvarez & M. Hansen (Eds.) Escuela, Inmigración y Multilingüismo. Madrid: Síntesis.


McDaid, J. and Sunyol, A. (2023) “GAPS”, workers with no schedule: hybrid forms of casualised/voluntary workers in ESA boarding schools.” In Schedel, L. and Jakubiak, C. (Eds.)Voluntourism and Language Learning/Teaching: Critical Perspectives (pp. 243-268). Palgrave. 

Alarcón Utrera, A.B. & E. Nieto Moreno de Diezmas (in press) Family involvement in multilingual education. In S. Karpava (Ed.) Multilingualism, Multiculturalism and Inclusive Education. BRILL.


Mansfield, M.-A. (2022). The role of multilingualism in the construction of social identity in a high social class family: A sociolinguistic ethnographic study. In Poveda, D. & A. Moustaoui (Eds.) Sociolinguistic Studies (16)2: 203-222. (Special issue “Family language policy and the family sociolinguistic order in a neoliberal context”).

Nieto Moreno de Diezmas, E. & A.B. Alarcón Utrera (2022) Intensive parenting and elective bilingualism English/Spanish in Spanish monolingual families: From language ideologies to practice. Porta Linguarum. Monograph V: 133-149.

Codó, E. & E. Riera-Gil (2022) The value(s) of English as global linguistic capital: A dialogue between linguistic justice and sociolinguistic approaches. In J. Soler & S. Morales-Gálvez (Eds.) Linguistic justice and global English: Theoretical and empirical approached (special issue). International Journal of the Sociology of Language 277: 95-119.


Codó, Eva (2021) Localizable vs non-localizable English: New inequalities in ‘democratizing’ access to English in Spanish education. For Tupas, R., Rubdy, R. & Saraceni, M. (Eds.) Bloomsbury World English Volume 2: Ideologies. London/New York: Bloomsbury.

Codó, Eva and Ana María Relaño-Pastor (2021) Researching Multilingual Education: Ethnographic Perspectives. For C. Siry, C. Schreiber, R. Gómez Fernández, and R. Reuter. Critical Methodologies for Researching Teaching and Learning. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.


Relaño Pastor, A. M. (2019). Special Issue: Ethnographic perspectives to teaching and learning in multilingual contexts. Foro de Educación, 17(27), 1-184. Doi: https://doi.org/10.14516/fde.765