Dr Frances Giampapa, Co-Investigator, University of Bristol (School of Education)
Dr. Frances Giampapa is a Senior Lecturer in Education (Applied Linguistics) and currently the programme director for the EdD at the School of Education, University of Bristol. She is the director of the Language, Literacies and Education Network (LLEN) which brings together a cross disciplinary group of scholars interested in language issues in language and education, language policy, social literacies/multiliteracies and psychological approaches to language development.
Dr. Giampapa’s research focuses on educational issues relating to language and identities within multilingual contexts as a result of increased global migration. Specifically, she uses critical linguistic ethnography, to understand the role of language in the (re)production of social inequalities through institutional structures that close down opportunities for migrant families and children. She has worked collaboratively on interdisciplinary research teams on projects that have been funded by: Social Sciences and Humanities Council (Canada); World Universities Network Grant; Economic and Social Sciences Research Council (UK); Arts Council, Nesta & AHRC (RCUK); IAA Exploratory Award (ESRC).
She has published and presented at international conferences (on panels and as a plenary speaker) in this area of research which has also included multilingual researcher identities working in multilingual contexts and more recently teacher identities in CLIL contexts.