Dr Alicia Fernández Barrera, Co-Investigator, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (Dept of English)
I am an Assistant Professor at the Department of Modern Languages (English Studies) currently teaching at the Faculty of Education (UCLM, Spain). I also supervise final degree projects at the BA in Early Childhoood Education and dissertations at the MA in Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary Education, Vocational Training and Language Teaching.
My research interests include bi/multilingual education, CLIL and EMI, critical sociolinguistic ethnography, and the relationship between language policies and practices in educational contexts. My PhD thesis explored the discursive construction of bilingualism Castilla-La Mancha schools (Spain) with a particular focus on soci
al inequalities. I was awarded a research fellowship by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport (MECD) (2015-2018) and I carried out a three-moth-research stay at UCL (London, UK) funded by the same institution.
My research has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Language Ideologies and Teaching in Multilingual Contexts Bellaterra Journal of Teaching & Learning Language & Literature, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Foro de Educación, and Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses (forthcoming).
During the last years, I have participated in a national research project, “APINGLO-CLM” (R+D FFI2014-54179-C2-2-P-) (2015-2019), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN), and an Erasmus+Project about the implementation and development of CLIL in Indian schools (2017-2019). I am currently a member of the Innovation Teaching Project “REMARE-EMI”: Repository of Materials and Resources for English-Medium Instruction (2019-2021).