Research visit and workshop with Dr Kevin Petit Cahill (U. Clermont Auvergne), UAB, Nov 28th-Dec 2nd, 2022
Workshop organised by the UAB team.
Dr Kevin Petit Cahill (Université Clermont Auvergne) visited the ENIFALPO CAT team at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (November 28th – December 2nd) on a “Mobilité internationale sortante” research mobility grant, the objective of which was to work on a project proposal to investigate the role of languages in employability among applied language graduates.
On November 28th a workshop was held with the goal of bringing together ideas and exchange feedback on the various work-in-progress presentations Kevin Petit Cahill and the ENIFALPO team members prepared.
Contributions included:

Jornadas Jean Monnet de Difusión del Multilingüismo en Familia, UCLM, in situ and online, October 27-28th, 2021
Workshop organised by the UCLM team.
Dr Esther Nieto Moreno de Diezmas & Ana Belén Alarcón (round table: “Políticas lingüísticas de promoción del inglés en familias monolingües)
Kateryna Mikelita (round table “multiculturalidad y multilingüismo en Castilla-La Mancha en el ámbito familiar”)

Dr Andrea Sunyol and Jessica McDaid (paper/workshop: “Who is responsible for English? How families plan for language learning in Catalonia”)
Dr Ana M. Relaño, Esther Nieto, Alicia Fernández & Helena Aikin (round table: “English immersion in family contexts: Perspectives and strategies in Castilla-La Mancha)