
Anabel Ramos Pla

Lecturer Professor

Departament de Ciències de l’Educació
Facultat d’Educació, Piscologia i Treball Social
Edifici del Rectorat – Despatx 1.31
Avinguda de l’Estudi General, 4
25001, Lleida

Research interests

Pedagogy of death and child and youth mourning, emotional education, organizational management, teaching-learning methodologies and health education

Short CV

PhD in education and extraordinary doctoral award 2018 (UAB), graduated in Primary Education with a mention in special educational needs and diversity education and Master in Psychopedagogy (both studies carried out at the UdL). Postgraduate in Management and Management of Educational Organizations (GEDIOE, UdL), University Expert in the prevention of school bullying and University Expert in Health Education (both studies carried out at the Isabel I University), specialist in early attention and technical in emotional education (both studies at the Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes) and Specialist in university teaching (UdL).

In addition, she has developed her professional practice as a Primary Education teacher and research management technique.

Jaume Vicens Vives distinction in university teaching quality, collective modality (2020).