
Jordi Codina Hernández

Research Support specialist Technician

Departament de Pedagogia Aplicada
Plaça del Coneixement (MRA/126)
Campus de Bellaterra
08193, Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)

(+34) 935 86 88 31

Research interests

Short CV

Graduated in Sociology (UAB), Master in Public Management (UAB, UB and UPF) and Postgraduate in European Project Management (COLPIS). Currently, he is a technical specialist in CRIEDO Research Support. Previously, he has worked as a technical support dins of the Pla de Doctorats Industrials to the Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC), and also in the private sector managing web projects of the Barcelona City Council, he has collaborated in various projects of ‘social entities and has professional practices at the Directorate of Plans and Projects of the City at the Terrassa City Council.