
José Luís Muñoz Moreno

Tenured Lecturer

Departament de Pedagogia Aplicada
Edifici G6-267
Campus de Bellaterra
08193, Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)

Research interests

organizational development of socio-educational institutions, improvement of schools, inclusive education and participation of municipalities and Public Administrations in education.

Short CV

Bachelor of Pedagogy and Doctor of Quality and Processes of Educational Innovation (Extraordinary Award) from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB). He is a professor in the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the Department of Applied Pedagogy of the UAB, where he teaches about the organization and management of socio-educational institutions. He is a researcher of the Organizational Development Team (EDO) of the UAB and a member of the work team of the research group CRIE (Curriculum, Resources and Educational Institutions) of the University of Valencia.

Check his research activity here.