EDO is engaged in various lines of research through its working groups. These groups are open, meaning that EDO members can be in more than one group, either simultaneously or consecutively over time. Group coordination, however, usually remains in the hands of the same person.
The focus of the group’s scientific activity is, from a systemic and complex perspective, the analysis and Organizational Development of training institutions considered as the contexts in which any type of educational and training process occurs.
It includes three major lines of work:
- The development of institutions focused on the global improvement of organizations.
- The development of people and teams, in organizational contexts.
- Community development and the relationships of organizations with their environment.

These lines of work are materialized in the 7 work groups set out below:
CEArt – Educational change through the arts
Coordinator: Gemma Paris Romia
PEIE – Educational Practice Informed by Evidence
Coordinator: Georgeta Ion
E-DIOR – Digital environments for educational organizations
Coordinator: Alejandra Bosco Paniagua
GEMOE – Management and improvement of educational organizations
Coord: Carme Armengol Asparó
IOE – Educational orientation and inclusion
Coordinator: Patricia Olmos Rueda
DEPRO – Professional Development for Organizations
Coordinator: Diego Castro Ceacero
OrSa – Healthy Organizations
Coord: Isabel del Arco Bravo