Open Conference by Dr. Luque at Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. June 26, 26, 15:00. Address: Yrigoyen 879, Room C3. (+info)

Course at Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur, Argentina, by Professor Luque & Professor Rexachs from HPC4EAS. June 25-26, 2015.

Advanced students and graduates on Computer Systems participate in a seminar held in UNTDF by doctors Emilio Luque and Dolores Rexachs from UAB.
The course will focus on issues related to Cloud Computing and Big Data and optimization of computational methods and their application in simulation experimentss.


Conference at Col·legi de Periodistes de Catalunya (Rambla de Catalunya 10, Barcelona, June 18, 19:00) by Dr. R. Suppi i Ms. C. Serrano. 

The twenty-first century is a time full of changes and opportunities with respect to technology evolution, a situation which in turn leads us to a series of new challenges, problems and difficult situations. 
To address this, the debate will deal with privacy and Internet security, identity theft, also speak the Data Protection Act and the right to oblivion and new frontiers of data privacity. 


  • Cristina Serrano, Professor at Escola de Prevenció i Seguretat Integral (EPSI) of UAB Foundation. de la Fundació UAB. Lawyer at NEOLEGIS Abogados y Consultores.
  • Remo Suppi, Professor of Computer Architecture & Operating Systems Departament at UAB and member of HPC4EAS.

Organized by Amics de la UAB 

UAB news

HPC4EAS member participation at the ICCS 2015 – Reykjavík, Iceland (1-3 june).

The International Conference on Computational Science is an annual conference that brings together researchers and scientists from mathematics and computer science as basic computing disciplines, researchers from various application areas who are pioneering computational methods in sciences to discuss problems and solutions in the area, to identify new issues, and to shape future directions for research.

HPC4EAS Group members wil present the papers (published in Elsevier Procedia Open Access):

  1. Agent Based Model and Simulation of MRSA Transmission in Emergency Departments Cecilia Jaramillo, Manel Taboada, Francisco Epelde, Dolores Rexachs, Emilio Luque.
  2. Crowd Evacuations SaaS: An ABM Approach Albert Gutierrez-Milla , Francisco Borges , Remo Suppi , Emilio Luque.
  3. Quantitative Evaluation of Decision Effects in the Management of Emergency Department Problems Zhengchun Liua, , Eduardo Cabrera, , Manel Taboada, Francisco Epelde, , Dolores Rexachs, Emilio Luque.
  4. Strip Partitioning for Ant Colony Parallel and Distributed Discrete-event Simulation Francisco Borges , Albert Gutierrez-Milla , Remo Suppi , Emilio Luque.


Lecture by Dr. Luque in the framework of the SEPAR 2015

The BIG DATA and Health, a technology growth: the future of Health session under the 48th SEPAR 2015 analyzes the process of change experienced by the world of medicine with the development and use of large databases online .

This interesting phenomenon was analyzed by Dr. Luque from the point of view Simulation and big data “searching for the efficiency of the system and also The incursion of social networks in large databases with applications health a reality or a fiction? by Dr. Julio Mayol Martinez, Director of Innovation of Hospital San Carlos; and The democratization of health care: from the Evidence-based Medicine to Generating Medical Evidence by Dr. Ignacio Hernandez Medrano, Executive Director of the Ramón y Cajal Health Research Institute, Madrid.

Two Call for Grants applications for trainne research staff at HPC4EAS-UAB, 2015-2016 Academic year.

Call for Ph.D. positions at HPC4EAS of Computer Architecture and Operating Systems Department is now open. 


  1. Security in Distributed Systems
  2. Performance prediction for parallel aplications in High Performance Computing (HPC)

General bases of the call can be found at:

Deadline for documentation delivery: 12th of June 2015. Documentation must be sent to:   (Please indicate to which profile you are applying).

Dr.  Suppi taught together with Professor Serrano a conference on security and privacy. May 15, 2015. Library of Rubí, 19:00 hrs. Barcelona.

This century is a time full of changes and opportunities with respect to technology evolution. This evolution involves a series of challenges, problems and difficult situations. To address this, the debate will deal with privacy and Internet security, identity theft, Data Protection Act and the right to oblivion and new frontiers derived of the use of Big Data.

Professor Suppi and professor Serrano presents the most important aspects to take into account and basic recommendation for the users about these subjects.

More information Amics de la UAB & UAB.

Research workshop between Wrocław University of Technology and HPC4EAS-UAB researchers.

From 22 to 26 April, a research workshop with the participation of researchers from the Wroc?aw University of Technology and HPC4EAS-UAB was performed. The objective of this meeting was to discuss and analyze the different lines of research and collaboration between Wroc?aw group, led by Professor Jan Kwiatkowski, and HPC4EAS group.

Erasmus Course at University of Technology,  Wroclaw, Poland on February 2-6, 2015 by the professors E. Luque & D. Rexachs.

Professors Luque and Rexachs, members of HPC4EAS, taught the course “Prediction of Performance and Efficient Execution in High Performance Computing (HPC): Cluster and Cloud” within the framework of the Erasmus program at the University of Technology,  Wroclaw, Poland.

Participation in the working sessions of Cross-platform Smart Cities Group (GICI). Feb. 5, 2015. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Madrid.

On Thursday, February 5, 2015 the presentation of a project proposal entitled “Health Services Management” was held. This presentation was made within the framework of the working meeting of Cross-Plataform Smart Cities Group and jointly organized by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.

The purpose of this meeting was to facilitate the networking between researchers and companies linked to this subject and presenting their proposals to find points of collaboration in the application of projects in different National and European calls.

Presentations and more details:


First Meeting of the European Network for the Joint Evaluation of Connected Health Technologies (ENJECT) COST Action TD1405.

Our group participated in the First Meeting of the ENJECT COST Action TD1405, on 15-16/12/2014, Brussels.

Ph.D Dissertations: Hayden Duncan Stainsby

On December 11 was presented the doctoral thesis of Hayden Duncan Stainsby: Triangular Bases of Integral Closures. Hayden was part of the HPC4EAS research group (2008-2010) in which he presented his MsC Thesis.






Conference of Professor Luque at Institute of Biomedical Research – Hospital de Santa Creu i Sant Pau (December 4, 2014)


Professor Luque was the Keynote Speaker at Institute of Biomedical Research and presented Intelligent Health Services: simulations of service ER and the propagation of nosocomial infections. This lecture introduces the most important advances in the research, at HPC4EAS group, on Advanced Simulation of Smart Health Services & Simulation of MRA infections.


HPC4EAS members, Dr. Luque, Dr. Rexachs and Dr, Suppi,  have attended the NESSI Member’s and International Cooperation Day on 20-21 of Novembrer.

Networked European Software and Services Initiative (NESSI) Member’s and International Cooperation Day:

The Nessi event was attended by over 120 participants in order to discuss Proposal Developments & Consortium Formations in the framework of H2020 calls. This conference was organized by the School of Engineering at UAB and Nessi European Technology Platform.

The main objectives for this event was enhancing the collaboration between NESSI members, other ETP members and also organisations from International Cooperation partner countries to discuss and elaborate proposal ideas and start building proposals under the ICT topics identified and to reinforce industrial cooperation and ICT research, development and innovation through a better networking between European ICT Technology Platforms and International partner countries.

The School of Engineering Dean, Dr. Daniel Franco, emphasized the importance of the event and its realization within the UAB Campus at Bellaterra and invited all attendees to work collaboratively within the scope of ICT to bring this to today’s society. During the event more than 30 proposals/ideas were presented and discussed by participants and Dr. Luque presented the main idea about the subject: Simulation and Big Data: a way to Discover Knowledge for the “smart health” era.

Interview & keynote speaker at XXXV Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI) of Dr. Emilio Luque.

In the framework of the SEMI conference (XXXV Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna), Dr Luque presented “Simulation and Big Data: A way to discover knowledge in the Emergency Services (November 19, 2014 – Auditorium M. A. Clares at Centro de Congresos, Región de Murcia, Spain).

He was also interviewed by the digital newspaper Redacción Médica. The interview, entitled as The simulation based on the ‘big data’ will be key to search the system’s efficiency, Professor Emilio Luque describes how technology can make future projections with empirical data. Redacción Médica (22 de noviembre de 2014) -in spanish-.

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