On Tuesday, 11:30am at Auditorium Tomás Díez. 3rd Floor. School of Engineering

Professors: Guillermo Feierherd and Beatriz Depetris. Universidad Nacional de Tierra de Fuego (Argentina).


  1. Professional recruitment & training of human resources.
  2. Electronic democracy (in particular voting systems supported by ICT).
  3. Smart Cities

Ph.D Dissertation: Albert Gutiérrez Millà and Liu Zhengchun. Friday 22 of July 2016. Auditorium of Engineering School. UAB. Campus Bellaterra. Spain

Phd Thesis defensed Friday 22 of Juliol, 2016:

  1. Albert Gutiérrez Millà. Crowd Modeling and Simulation on High Performance Architectures.  10:00am.
  2. Liu Zhengchun. Modeling & Simulation for Healtcare Operations Management Using High Performance Computing & Agent Based Model. 12:00am.




Members of HPC4EAS participated in the Escuela Regional de Tecnologías y Comunicaciones (7th Edition) – ERTIC 2016. 11 to 15 July 2016, organized by the Polytechnic Faculty – National University of Asuncion. Paraguay.

Professor Luque, participated in the table on behalf of the Organizing Committee of the ERTIC 2016;

And the courses at ERTIC:

  1. Cloud Computing and Social Applications by Emilio Luque and Dolores Rexachs
  2. Secure programming and vulnerability detection tools applied to the area of health Elisa Heymann, and Barton P. Miller of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States.









By Dr. Luque & Dr. Rexachs at Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Facultad de Informática.

From June 27 to July 1, 2016. 9:00 to 13:00 pm. [+ info]

The course is taught in the 4th Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data (JCC & BD) organized by the Faculty of Informatics, UNLP and the collaboration of the RedUNCI (Network of National Universities with Computer Science Engineer’s Degree) and HPC4EAS Research Group of the Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona.

This call aims to select NEW candidates for trainee research staff positions (PIF) at the UAB for the 2016-2017 academic year.

More info [+]

Project: Formación en investigación en el ámbito de la gestión eficiente y segura de hospitales.

Members: Departament de Informática – Facultad Politécnica – Universidad Nacional de Asunción -Paraguay- & Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona -Spain-

The first week of February, in the framework of the project “Training in research in the field of safe and efficient hospital management,” the kick-off meeting was held between HPC4EAS researchers and members the Computer Science Department of the Polytechnic Faculty National University of Asuncion, Paraguay.

Seventh International Conference on Advances in System Simulation (SIMUL 2015) Best Paper AwardNovember 2015 – Barcelona, Spain

An Analytical Model to Evaluate the Response Capacity of Emergency Departments in Extreme Situations
Eva Bruballa, Manel Taboada, Alvaro Wong, Dolores Rexachs, Emilio Luque

Consultation on ITU-Academia Collaboration & Int. ITU Kaleidoscope Conference (December 8 & 9-11 respectively​)

ITU-Academia Collaboration and International ITU Kaleidoscope Conference was held at UAB and organized by Dr. Remo Suppi as member of the Host Committee. 

Kaleidoscope 2015: Trust in the Information Society was the seventh series of peer-reviewed academic conferences organized by ITU that bring together a wide range of views from universities, industry and research institutions of different fields. The aim of Kaleidoscope conferences is to identify emerging developments in information and communication technologies (ICTs) and, in particular, areas in need of international standards to support the development of successful products and services.

Kaleidoscope 2015 analyzed means of building information infrastructures deserving our trust. The event highlighted ideas and research that will help ensure the Information Society’s growth in inclusivity and sustainability thanks to its trusted foundations. 

The Conference provided an opportunity to share views on the future of the ICT sector and, in particular, to analyze the notion of “trust” in the ICT context as well as innovations embedding trust into ICT ecosystems and infrastructures to bring greater certainty, confidence and predictability to our interactions within the Information Society.

The 2015 edition of Kaleidoscope contributed to the celebration of ITU’s 150th anniversary, which were held in tribute to the extraordinary innovation of the global ICT community.The story of ITU is one of international cooperation among governments, industry players, civil society and academic and research institutes. ITU has a proud history as a key platform for the international community to bring cohesion to innovation in the ICT sector, and Kaleidoscope 2015 will celebrate academia’s immense contribution in service of ITU’s mission to ‘Connect the World’.

UAB News

Conference by Dr. Sandra Mendez (Research Fellow. Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ), Garching bei München, Germany). Thursday December 17, 2015, 12:00 at Tomàs Diéz Room.

Sandra Mendez is Dr. by the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB, Spain) in High Performance Computing with research interests on Parallel I/O of the HPC systems. Since 2013, she is research fellow at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ), Garching bei München, Germany. Her areas of expertise include the performance analysis, optimization and tuning of Parallel I/O for parallel scientific applications. She collaborates with UAB as an external researcher in the field of parallel I/O for HPC applications on Computer Cluster and Cloud environments.

Conference at IBM (New York). 

Performance Analysis and Scalability of Parallel Applications

Prof Emilio Luque. Computer Architecture and Operating System Department (CAOS)

HPC for Efficient Applications & Simulation (HPC4EAS). University Autonoma of Barcelona (UAB), Spain


Due to the complex interaction between the message-passing applications and the HPC system, many applications may suffer performance inefficiencies when they scale to a large number of processes. This problem is particularly serious when the application is executed many times over a long period of time.

Based on prediction models, such as PAS2P (Parallel Application Signature for Performance Prediction) (**), with the purpose of making an efficient use of the Parallel System resources, we propose the methodology P3S (Prediction of Parallel Program Scalability), which allows us to analyze and predict the strong scalability behavior for message-passing applications on a given system.

The methodology strives to use a bounded analysis time, and a reduced set of resources to predict the application performance and scalability.

The methodology is made up of three stages:

  1. Characterization step: from the execution of a set of small-scale application signatures, the relevant phases of the parallel application are characterized,
  2. Modeling the application: the scalable logical trace of the application is constructed from the model of the logical scalability, generated for each representative phase of the application. This trace will be used to predict the logical behavior of the application, as the number of the application processes increases.
  3. Predicting the application performance for a specific number of processes

The output of the P3S methodology will be the predicted curve of application speedup.

Based on this information and with the aim of use the system resources efficiently, the users can select the most appropriate resources to execute the application on the target system. We executed from 16 to 256 processors and predicted the computation time up until 4,096 processors. For the tested applications, we obtained an error of less than 9% for the application speedup.

(**) A. Wong, D. Rexachs, E. Luque: “Parallel Application Signature for Performance Analysis and Prediction”. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 26(7): 2009-2019 (2015)

Ph.D Dissertation: Adriana Gaudiani and Javier Panadero.

Phd Thesis defensed in September:

  1. Adriana Gaudiani. Simulación y Optimización como Metodología para Mejorar la Calidad de la Predicción en un Entorno de Simulación Hidrográfica. September 11, 2015, 12:00am. Room 2. 2nd floor. Faculty of Computer Science. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Argentina. 
  2. Javier Panadero: Performane Prediction: analysis of the scalability of parallel applications. September 28, 2015, 12:00am. Auditorium of Engineering School. UAB. Campus Bellaterra. Spain.








HPC4EAS members WIN the Parallel Programming Contest at the SARTECO MultiConference in XXVI Conference on Parallelism (September 23-25) – Córdoba, Spain.

Zhengchun Liu and Qi Liu Winners of V Contest on Parallel Programming!

The Parallel Programming Contest V was held on September 23, 2015 as part of the  XXVI Conference on Parallelism in Córdoba (spain). Liu & Qi won the First Prize of the competition. In addition, a new record has been reached on the Cuda problem (B) !!


In addition, members of HPC4EAS presented the work-in-progress & relevant research topics of the group in order to share experiences and research advances in the area of High Performance Computing. The works presented are:

  1. Configuring Fault Tolerance with Coordinated Checkpoint/Restart. Jorge Villamayor et al.
  2. Generating Simulated Data through HPC for Decision Making in a Hospital Emergency Department. Eva Bruballa et al.
  3. MPI Communications Management in Cloud. Laura Espínola et al.



New postgraduate courses at Faculty of Computer Science, Universidad Nacional de La Plata and at Faculty of Computer Science, Universidad Nacional del Comahue, Neuquén, Argentina.

In the context of the PhD Program and Master Program on High Performance Computing (within the collaboration agreement UAB-UNLP) have been held at Faculty of Computer Science, Universidad Nacional de La Plata (La Plata, Argentina) the following courses

  1. Methodology of Research. Prof. Emilio Luque, Prof. Dolores Rexachs. September 7-12, 2015.
  2. High Performance ComputingResource Management. Prof. Remo Suppi. September 7-12, 2015.
  3. Management and Prediction of Power Consumption on High Performance Computing. Prof. Javier Balladini (External Researcher of HPC4EA). September 7-12, 2015.
 At Faculty of Computer Science, Universidad Nacional del Comahue (Neuquén, Argentina), HPC4EAS members have taught the following postgraduate courses:
  1. Performance prediction and efficient execution of parallel computing systems (HPC): cluster and cloud. Prof. Emilio Luque, Prof. Dolores Rexachs. September 14-18, 2015.
  2. Resource management in High Performance Computing (Clusters and Cloud). Prof. Remo Suppi. September 14-18, 2015.


Keynote Speaker by Prof. Luque. Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering (ITEE2015). Port Elizabeth. South Africa. 14-16 July 2015.

Keynote speaker of the conference ITEE 2015: Prof Emilio Luque. Title: “Modelling, Simulation, Prediction and Computation”.

Prof. Luque will discuss about the role will be of computation (HPC) to improve the quality of the results of simulation when computation is used to provide the best possible value for the models’ parameters and also the introduction to the limitations of models and how the computation could overcome this limitation. [+info]

New course by Dr. Luque & Dr. Rexachs at Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina. Facultad de Informática. 

From June 29 to July 3, 2015. 9:00 to 13:00 pm. (+info)

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