INGLESVideo Living Lab – María José Magliano (31/01/2025)

El día 31 de enero en la Universidade da Coruña se realizó el seminario ILL Nº 45 titulado “El largo plazo en las migraciones. Desigualdades interseccionales y estrategias de sostenibilidad de la vida de mujeres migrantes adultas mayores”, realizado por María José Magliano de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC) y el Consejo Nacional de […]

Video Living Lab – Bárbara Estévez Leston (22/01/2025)

On 22 January at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the seminar ILL Nº 43 entitled ‘Integration of secondary data sources for the characterisation of territorial structures. Reflections from the field of social stratification and first employment studies’. It was conducted by Bárbara Estévez Leston, from the Gino Germani Research Institute (IIGG) of the University of […]

FACSO Doctoral Seminar

Second meeting of the Doctoral College was marked by a focus on migration in realities such as the Spanish one. Under the title ‘Innovation and public policies: possibilities in the face of emerging crises. La dimensión nativista de las propuestas de reforma del EB en Europa: El caso de VOX en España’, Dr. Manuel Sanchez […]

Video Living Lab – Manuel Sanchéz Reinón (08/01/2025)

On January 8, 2025, seminar Nº41 was held at the University of Chile, entitled: “Territorial inequalities in the policy for the promotion of autonomy and care for dependency in Spain (2007-2024): regional divergences and convergences”. It was carried out by Manuel Sánchez Reinón from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). You can watch the video […]

Video Living Lab – Renata Semenza (04/12/2024)

On 04 December 2024, the Living Lab seminar Nº 38 is presented. Seminar entitled ‘Stratification mismatch: from structural occupation-based classification to individual outcomes. Evidence from Italy-Spain-Mexico-Chile’ held at COLMEX (Mexico) by Renata Semenza, Simone Sarti, Gonzalo Franetovic from the University of Milan (UMIL-Italy). You can watch the video at the following link:

Video Living Lab – Francisco Santana, Carmen Pérez (28/11/2024)

On 28 November, the seminar Living Lab Nº 36 is presented. Francisco Santana Armas and Carmen Pérez Sánchez from the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of La Laguna (ULL), gave a presentation entitled ‘A methodological proposal to address school inequality in secondary education, beyond academic performance’. Seminar held within the framework of […]

Video Living Lab – Idelfonso Márquez-Perales (27/11/2024)

On 27 November, the seminar Living Lab Nº 35 is presented. Idelfonso Márquez-Perales, from the Department of Sociology at the University of Seville (US) presents ‘The impact of material deprivation on the process of social mobility’. Organised by the Centre de Recherche Sur Les Inégalites Sociales de SciencesPo (ScPo). You can access the video below:

Video Living Lab – Luca Novelli (26/11/2024)

On 26 November 2024, the Living Lab seminar no. 34 is presented. Luca Novelli from the Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche of the Università degli Studi di Milano (UNIMIL) presents ‘Social actors facing the environment-labour conflict. Transnational evidence from Italy, the Netherlands and Argentina’. The seminar was organised by the Centro Interdisciplinario de Metodología […]