The Symposium is aimed at students who have recently begun their research as M.A. students, PhD students or those who have recently completed their PhD theses. The purpose of this symposium is to provide a scientific forum within which the next generation of researchers can exchange ideas and present their current research in the field of Translation, Interpreting, Intercultural Studies or East Asian Studies.
We invite proposals for papers relating to the research interests of the Department of Translation and Interpreting & East Asian Studies (UAB), namely:
Translation and interpreting
- Specialized translation
- Literary translation
- Audiovisual translation and media accessibility
- Interpreting
- Information and communication technologies in translation
- Translator and interpreter training
- History of translation and interpreting
- Interculturality, ideology and the sociology of translation and interpreting
- Textuality and translation
- Cognitive studies in translation and interpreting
- Professional aspects of translation and interpreting
- Genre and translation
- Empirical Research Methodology in Translation and Interpreting Studies
East Asian studies
- East Asian languages and literatures
- East Asian Societies, Politics and International Relations
- East Asian Culture, Thought and Interculturality
- East Asian Economies
The symposium will be held in person.
The symposium languages are Catalan, Spanish and English.
All communication proposals will be subject to review by members of the scientific committee.
Participants should limit their presentations to 10 minutes to allow time for Q & A and comments by the audience.
No proceedings will be published. All participants will receive a certificate of attendance. A further certificate will be given to those who read papers.
Follow the template that you will find below to write the abstract.
The file name should be: surname_name_simposi_2025.docx
Department, University (do not use acronyms), author’s email address
The abstract will have a maximum of 300 words and must contain the most relevant aspects of the work: the objective of the study or research, the field in which it is developed, the methodology used, the most important obtained results and the main conclusions.
Key words: between 3 and 5