In 2022, TransMedia Catalonia celebrated GAAD 2022 with three activities:
1. Open Lab at TransMedia Catalonia: the TransMedia Catalonia research group opened its doors to celebrate the GAAD 2022. Visitors had the chance to discover and participate in some of our on-going studies on media accessibility, led by our predoctoral researchers. They had the chance to use an eye-tracker to help us test Easy Language, get a sneak preview of upcoming video games through their audio described trailers and give your input on a zarzuela audio description.
Where? MRA building, room 020 (ground floor).
When? 19 May, 11.00-14.00.
Who? Open to all.
2. Accessibility training: TMC researchers direct and teach online specialisations courses offered by the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at UAB. As part of UAB’s Fair, Anna Matamala presented the following courses:
- Course in Accessibility Management and Promotion: Accessible Services, Information and Communication (2022-2023, 2nd edition)
- Curs en Gestió i promoció de l’accessibilitat: serveis, informació i comunicació accessibles (en català/in Catalan, 2022-2023, 2nd edition)
- Course in Accessible Digital Communication: Easy-to-Understand Language (2022-2023, 2nd edition)
- Course in Digital Accessibility: accessible documents, websites and social media (2022-2023, 1st edition)
- Curs en Accessibilitat Digital: documents, webs i xarxes socials accessibles (en català/in Catalan, 2022-2023, 1st edition)
Where? Online.
When? 19 May, 15.30-16.00 (English), 16.00-16.30 (Catalan).
Who? Open to all.
3. CROMA visit: TMC has designed the activity “Veure-hi amb les orelles, sentir-hi amb els ulls” (Listening with your ears, seeing with your eyes) as part of the CROMA programme (Fundació Autònoma Solidària). Children in schools in the area surrounding UAB have been working on the co-creation of a 360º video and have learned about accessibility services. On 18 May they visited our research team at the university to show the results from their workshops. We prepared them some activities to continue raising awareness about accessibility.
Where? Faculty of Translation and Interpreting.
When? 18 May.
Who? Only for CROMA participants.