Thursday 24 March, 2011
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:15 Welcome address (Francesc Parcerisas, Dean of the Faculty of Translation
and Interpreting, UAB; Pilar Orero, PI, Transmedia Catalonia Research Group, & Peter
Olaf Looms, Danish Broadcasting Corporation)
09:15-10:00 Keynote lecture
Andrew Duchowski (Clemson University, USA). Audio Description: Who’s Watching?
Quantifying the Viewing Experience.
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-12:00 Panel 1: Theoretical approaches and merging modalities.
Chair: Mereijn van der Heijden
Speaker 1. Gert Vercauteren (Artesis University College Antwerp, Belgium). The use of mental models for content selection in filmic AD
Speaker 2. Rosamund Webster (London, UK). Three W’s for two I’s. How Who, Whom and What convey Information and Interest (through cohesion) in Audio Subtitling.
Speaker 3. Eva Espasa (Universitat de Vic, Spain). Audio Describing documentaries: Specific practices. Specific guidelines?
12:00-13:30 Panel 2A: AD in practice: theatre, opera, cinema.
Chair: Joel Snyder
Speaker 1. Bernd Benecke (Bayerischer Rundfunk, Germany). Creating AD: the difference between Story Description and Plot Description
Speaker 2. Susanne Verberk (Nevero, Belgium). AD in translation.
Speaker 3. Anna Jankowska (Jagiellonian University, Poland). Translation audio description for dubbed films in Polish and Spanish
13:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:30 Panel 2B: AD in practice: theatre, opera, cinema.
Chair: Bernd Benecke
Speaker 1. Maria Valero (Università degli Studi di Parma, Italy). Audio Description in Italy: a few notes on the state of the art
Speaker 2. Christopher Taylor & Elisa Perego (University of Trieste, Italy). Audio Description in Italy: guidelines exist!
Speaker 3. Joel Snyder (Audio Description Associates, USA). Audio Description in the United States: the Obama Era and Beyond.
Speaker 4. Larissa Costa (Pontíficia Universidade Católica, Brazil). Audio description in Rio de Janeiro 16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:00 Panel 3. ONGOING RESEARCH PROJECTS (short 10-minute presentations).
Chair: Elena Di Giovanni
Speaker 1.Cristóbal Cabeza-Cáceres (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). A reception study on audio description: the narration speed parameter
Speaker 2. Nazaret Fresno (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona). An empirical approach to character reception in AD
Speaker 3. Sarah Weaver (University of Durham, UK). Lifting the curtain on Opera Description: comparing approaches.
Speaker 4. Bernd Benecke, Anna Maszerowska, Anna Matamala, Pilar Orero, Gert Vercauteren. ORCAD. Online Resource Center for AD Research
20:00 Conference dinner (Barcelona). Mama Cafè.
FRIDAY, 25th MARCH 2011
09:00-11:00 Panel 4: Linguistic aspects, sound and delivery
Chair: Agnieszka Chmiel
Speaker 1. Louise Fryer (Goldsmiths College, University of London, UK). Audio description: the art of sound?
Speaker 2. Andrew Holland (VocalEyes, UK). Hamlet without the Prince: audience’s point of view
Speaker 3. Mereijn van der Hejden. Mixing and delivering AD for 3D films
Speaker 4. Gion Linder & Juan Martínez (SWISS TXT, Switzerland). Audio Description with a TTS application
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-13:30 Panel 5A. Reception and perception
Chair: Andrew Holland
Speaker 1. Agnieszka Chmiel & Iwona Mazur (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland) AD reception research: some methodological considerations.
Speaker 2. Izabela Kreztz, Agnieszka Szarkowska & Agnieszka Walczak (Warsaw School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Poland). Guided attention- audio description
in education
Speaker 3. Pablo Romero-Fresco (Roehampton University, London, UK). The use of audio introduction in films
Speaker 4. Anna Vilaró, Aitor Rodríguez, Xavier Vives (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, TVC). AD scenarios over IPTV: user evaluation
Lunch 13:30-14:30 14:30-16:30 Panel 5B: Reception and perception
Chair: Iwona Mazur
Speaker 1. Agnieszka Walczak (University of Warsaw, Poland) Text-to-speech audio description for visually impaired children.
Speaker 2. Elena di Giovanni (University of Macerata, Italy). Visual and narrative priorities of the blind and non-blind: the results of an eye-tracking experiment and its
application to the drafting of AD.
Speaker 3. Marina Ramos (Universidad de Murcia, Spain). AD and emotions: a preliminary study
Speaker 4. Andrew Duchowski, Pilar Orero, Andrew D. Ouzts, Janna L. Reid (Clemson University, CAIAC-UAB, Winthrop University). Audio description research through
eye-tracking technology: a new methodological approach.
16:30-17:00 Coffee break
17:00-18:00 ROUND TABLE ON AD
Chair: Aline Remael
Invited speakers:
Joan Greening (independent adviser, UK)
Trevor Franklin (independent adviser, UK)
Andrew Holland (VocalEyes, UK)
Louise Fryer (Goldsmiths College, University of London)
Giuseppa Avola (Film Voices, Italy), and
Alessandra Carta (Film Voices, Italy)
18:00 Concluding remarks by Pilar Orero (UAB)