Teaching 2011-today

Some courses I have been teaching in the last years:

  • Probability and Stochastic Modelling, third course in the Degree in  Mathematics.
  • Computational Complexity, master course in the Master in Advanced Mathematics, and mini-course in the international master Mathematical Modelling in Engineering: Theory, Numerics, Applications.
  • Probability and Statistics, second course in the Degree in Biotechnology.
  • Computer Tools, first course in the Degree in Mathematics and the Degree in Statistics
  • Linear Programming, first course in the Degree in Applied Statistics.
  • Optimisation, second course in the Degree in Computational Mathematics and Data Analysis.
  • Simulation, third course in the Degree in Applied Statistics, and the Degree in Computational Mathematics and Data Analysis.

Lecture Notes

  • A. Alabert, Mesure and probability, 1997 (in Catalan). (PDF file).
    Edited by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 1996 (1st edition) and 1997 (second edition). Free PDF since May 2002.
    This is a textbook on the fundamentals of measure and integration theory, and measure-theoretic probability. It is addressed to undergraduate/graduate students in mathematics, as a complement to classroom lectures.
  • A. Alabert, Diffusions (part I), 1997 (in Catalan). (PDF file).
    Lecture notes for a PhD course on diffusion processes. This first part only covers the preliminaries.
  • A. Alabert and M. Farré, Brownian motion and stochastic calculus, 2000 (in Catalan). (PDF file).
    Lecture notes for a PhD course introducing stochastic processes in continuous time.
  • A. Alabert, Optimisation, 2004 (in Catalan). (PDF file).
    Basic course on Optimisation, covering Linear Programming, Nonlinear Programming, Integer Programming, and Network Flows. Part of a forthcoming book jointly authored with Rosa Camps.
  • A. Alabert, Introduction to stochastic differential equations, 2004 (in Spanish). (PDF file).
    Lecture notes for a course introducing stochastic differential equations to specialists in deterministic differential equations (Cali, January 2004).
  • A. Alabert, Discrete time martingales, 2004 (in English). (PDF file).
    Minicourse introducing martingales in discrete time (Padova, 2004). 
  • A. Alabert and R. Delgado, Statistical tables, 2004.
    Statistical tables are obsolete. However, if you are forced to use them, you can take these: Normal(0,1) (PDF file), t-Student (PDF file), Chi-squared (PDF file), F-Fisher (PDF file), Studentized range(90, PDF file) (95, PDF file) (99, PDF file). The tables have been computed using the R open source environment, and formatted with LaTeX.
  • A. Alabert, LaTeX, 2020 (in Catalan). (PDF file)
    An introductory 3-session course to the typesetting system LaTeX, aimed at students of mathematics and statistics.
  • A. Alabert, Introduction to Informatics, 2020 (in Catalan). (PDF file)
    A one-semester course aimed at students of mathematics. The computer is seen from an abstract, conceptual, point of view, with little physical considerations. The course is focused on what the computer can do for the mathematician, but keeping in mind that the mathematician must reach the level of programmer, beyond that of just a computer user.
    It is based on previous notes by Josep Maria Mondelo (Dep. of Mathematics, UAB). The 2020 edition contains contributions by Xavier Xarles (Dep. of Mathematics, UAB).
  • A. Alabert, Nonlinear Optimisation, 2021 (in Catalan). (PDF file)
    A half-semester course aimed at students of Computational Mathematics and Data Analysis.
  • A. Alabert, Simulation, 2021 (in Catalan). (PDF file)
    A half-semester course aimed at students of Computational Mathematics and Data Analysis, and of Statistics