
Isabel Del Arco Bravo

Tenured Professor
Coordinator EDO-UdL

Departament de Ciències de l’Educació
Facultat d’Educació, Piscologia i Treball Social
Edifici del Rectorat – Despatx 2.47
Avinguda de l’Estudi General, 4
25001, Lleida

Research interests

Short CV

Ph.D in Psycho-pedagogy with Extraordinary Prize in Doctorate from University of Lleida. B.A. in Philosophy and Science of Eduction and Teaching Diploma in EGB specialized in Science.

Her professional activities has been preferably developed in different levels and educational stages in public system of teaching as the function in teaching section. She has worked as a teacher in preschool, primary and secondary education sectors, and at the present she is a tenured professor (TUC) in Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Faculty of Science of Education in the University of Lleida, in the Area of Knowledge of Teaching and School Organization.

Her research interests include themes related to the attention to diversity in education such as re-orienting the process of teaching/leaning; themes related to intercultural education, family education, teachers´ intervention in classroom support and innovation of university teaching. She has been the director of ICE of UdL since 2005 when she finished her post of Vice Chancellor of Teaching, and now she is leading the process of convergence to EEES in UdL.