Carmen Bestué holds a JD in Law from the University of Barcelona, ​​a PhD in Theory of Translation from the Autonomous University of Barcelona and a Diploma in Comparative Law from the University of Paris II, Panthéon-Assas.

She has practiced as an Attorney at Law in Spain specializing in civil, commercial and criminal law matters and has also worked as a translator and interpreter of French and English for criminal courts and law enforcement bodies.

Since 2003, she is professor at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​where she has taught undergraduate, postgraduate and master’s degrees. 

She has attended numerous international conferences and has been invited to give plenary seminars and conferences at the Universities of Geneva, Jaume I of Castellón, Alicante, Salamanca, Vigo, La Laguna, Arizona and Mexico, among others. She has been a visiting researcher in Mexico City, Tucson, Lima, Paris and New York. She has participated and is currently participating in more than 16 research projects. 

Among her publications presents the following:

-Bestué, Carmen (2013). Los contratos traducidos. La traducción de los contratos de licencia de uso de programas de ordenador. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch. Colección “derecho y tic’s”.  ISBN: 978-84-9053-042-9.

-Bestué, C. (2019). “A matter of justice: integrating comparative law methods into the decision making process in legal translation”. En: Lucja Biel, Jan Engberg, Rosario Martin Ruano, Vilelmini Sosoni (eds), Research Methods In Legal Translation and Interpreting: Crossing Methodological Boundaries. Londres y Nueva York: Routledgepps. 130-147.

– Bestué, C. (2019). “From the trial to the transcription: listening problems related to thematic knowledge. Some implications for the didactics of court interpreting studies”. Fachsprache, Journal of Professional and Scientific Communication, 41.3-4, 159-181.

– Bestué, Carmen (2018). “Aproximación empírica a la labor del intérprete en los tribunales de justicia”. En: María Jesús Ariza Colmenarejo (Coord.), Traducción, Interpretación e Información para la tutela  judicial efectiva en el proceso penal. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch. Pp. 139-158. ISBN: 978-84-9169-233-1.

-Bestué, Carmen (2016). “La variación terminológica de los conceptos del Derecho de sociedades y sus estrategias de traducción”. Llengua i Dret, 65, 18-35.

-Bestué, Carmen; Orozco, Mariana (2016). “Online Training in Legal Translation Designing curricula for bilingual students”. Babel, International Journal of Translation.

Bestué, Carmen (2016). “Translating law in the digital age. Translation problems or matters of legal interpretation?” Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 24, 576-590. DOI 10.1080/0907676X.2015.1070884

-Bestué, Carmen (2015). “El deber de información y de localización en la cultura jurídica de llegada como criterios de aceptabilidad de las traducciones jurídicas de las páginas web”. Trans, Revista de traductología, 19, 2, 225-241.

Bestué, Carmen; Orozco, Mariana (2015). “Translating End-User License Agreements from English into Spanish”. Journal of Open Access to law, online. ISSN: 2075-471X.

-Bestué, Carmen; García-Beyaert, Sofía; Ruiz de Infante, Begoña (2012). Barreras lingüísticas en los servicios públicos en Cataluña: la percepción de los trabajadores. Sendebar, 23, 37-59.