- Protesta al justícia de València ( “Protest to the justice of Valencia”, Valencia, 20 April 1300): This document is related to the grievance against Berenguer Mercer.
- Confessió de Barcelona (“Confession of Barcelona”, Barcelona, 11 July 1305): This is a confession of the prophetic-apocalyptic theses, in the broad sense, read in the royal palace before King Jaume II and a distinguished assembly. Based on Biblical texts (Daniel 12:11, Acts 1:7) and special revelations (Insurgent gentes, Cyril, etc.), Arnau de Vilanova argued that it is possible, useful and necessary to know the (imminent) time of the arrival of the Antichrist. The part devoted to false religious people is a translation of the Confessio Ilerdensis.
- Lliçó de Narbona (“Lesson of Narbonne”, between summer of 1305 and late 1308; perhaps between 1 May and 27 October 1308): Read in Narbonne, Arnau de Vilanova sets forth a spiritual programme for Beguins. He contrasts the superficial, convenient Christianity of his time with the steadfastness and conviction of the Beguins, who bear the foundation of the faith engraved in their hearts: the works and doctrine of Jesus Christ.
- A la reina Blanca d’Anjou (“To Queen Blanche of Anjou”, Avignon, summer of 1309): Arnau tells Queen Blanche about some of the actions he has taken.
- Raonament d’Avinyó (“Reasoning of Avignon”, Almería, January 1310): Arnau justified to King Jaume the petitions he made in Avignon before the pope and cardinals related to the plans to reform the Church. In his Raonament Arnau de Vilanova states that an “anaphyle” of Jesus Christ had announced that the world would end in the 14th century, the Christian people are in fact that most false and the reason for this is the poor example provided by the prelates, princes and religious people in general. As a courier to Jaume II and Frederic of Sicily, Arnau states that God had inspired them to lead a plan to promote the truth of Christianity and that they have already begun to carry it out.
- Alia informatio beguinorum (“Second information of Beguins”, after spring of 1310): This is a defence and justification of the life choices of the Beguins before a possible (or real) inquisition questioning: mendacity, radical poverty, the renunciation of property, the love of God and ignoring the world, social marginalisation and the rejection of human science.
- Al rei Jaume II (“To King Jaume II “, Marseille, 17 June 1310): Arnau tells King Jaume II about the actions he has taken.
- Informació espiritual (“Spiritual Information”, probably Messina, summer of 1310): Arnau tells King Frederic III of Sicily about the things he must do as king and as a Christian king. As a Christian king, Frederick should promote the truth of Christianity. If the king carries out these proposals, he will secure many assets. In fact, the Constituciones Regni Trinacriae (no. 38) were inspired by some of Arnau’s advice in the Spiritual Information.

Source: Genossenschaft der Cellitinnen.