Arnau DB  has different relationships and partnerships with national and international projects, organisations and networks with which it shares interests, especially with regard to mediaeval culture and science and digital philology and humanities:

Arnau DB is a project coordinated with, directed by Lluís Cifuentes (UB),
focused on Catalan medieval and Renaissance science.
Arnau DB is part of the Grup de Recerca Consolidat de Cultura i Literatura a la Baixa Edat Mitjana 2014-2016 (2014 SGR 119), financed by Department of Economy and Knowledge of the Generalitat de Catalunya and coordinated by Lola Badia (UB-UAB-UdG). Web: Narpan. narpan
Arnau DB participates in SCH Action IS1005: Medieval Europe – Medieval Cultures and Technological Resources, COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), 2011-2014, financed by the European Commission.  cost
Arnau DB takes part of the Red Temática Lengua y Ciencia (with lenguayciencia