The following researchers are currently participating in the current project:


Sebastià Giralt (lead researcher)

Tenured assistant professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. His research has primarily centred on medieval medicine, magic and astrology. His main avenue of research is the medical corpus of Arnau de Vilanova, whose writings on practical medicine and the occult arts he has studied, as well as their survival in the Early Modern Age. He also has extensive experience in developing online teaching and disseminative materials, especially by creating the Labyrinthus portal. Further information is available on his personal website.

Jaume Mensa Valls

Full Professor at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Trained in philosophy, theology and palaeography/archiving, he read his thesis on “La polèmica escatològica entre Arnau de Vilanova i els teòlegs professionals” (1993). Since then, his research has revolved around Arnau de Vilanova’s spiritual oeuvre, in addition to dedicating several studies on Arnaldian spiritual works of dubious authorship. He recently won the 21st Joan Maragall Prize granted by the Joan Maragall Foundation for his study Arnau de Vilanova i els teories medievals de l’amor. Further information is available on his personal website.

Sergi Grau Torras

He has a Bachelor’s in History (UAB) and a Master’s in the History of Science (UAB-UB) and has performed his doctoral thesis on the medicine of Arnau de Vilanova. He has also researched medieval heretics such as the Cathars and the Waldensians. He is a UAB-affiliated researcher who is a member of the UAB’s IEM (Institute of Medieval Studies), and is in charge of project research and development at Fundació Centre Internacional de Música Antiga, directed by Jordi Savall. Further information is available on his personal website.

Maria Cabré

Predoctoral researcher (UAB). Bachelor in Philosophy and Master in medieval studies (paleography, codicology and medieval philosophy), is performing her doctoral thesis on the theologist Antoni Andreu.

In addition, other researcher participated in the prior project:

Michael R. McVaugh.

One of the most prestigious international researchers in medieval medicine, today he is an emeritus professor at the University of North Carolina. Since his doctoral thesis (1965), he has spent his career examining topics like medicine in the 13th and 14th centuries, especially in Arnau de Vilanova’s milieu (Montpellier and the Crown of Aragon), critical editions and studies of Arnaldian works, especially as part of Arnaldi de Villanova Opera Medica Omnia (AVOMO), the publishing committee to which he has belonged since it started in 1975 until today. He has written seven of the published AVOMO volumes, either alone or in collaboration with other researchers, one of which is at press, and he is currently preparing two more. Further information is available on his personal website.

Francesco Santi

He graduated with a Bachelor’s in philosophy with a thesis entitled Arnaldo da Villanova e l’Expositio super Apocalypsim, which was published in Catalan (1987). He also holds a doctorate in Medieval History and has served as a professor at the universities of Salento, Lecce and Cassino. His numerous publications on medieval philosophy and religious culture include prominent contributions to the spiritual thinking of Arnau de Vilanova. He has also published works on Raimon Lull (Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Medievalis, 183). He is a member of the Administrative Board of SISMEL, where he is currently director, and of the Fondazione Franceschini, He oversaw the creation of the databases of both institutions and studied the methodological issues stemming from the application of IT to literary sources. Among the research projects in which he has participated, he has been the national head of a PRIN devoted to the repertoire of mediaeval Latin authors and texts and the local head of a FIRB devoted to the database of medieval manuscripts.

Scholarly contributors:

Antoine Calvet (Paris)

He is unquestionably the most knowledgeable person on pseudo-Arnaldian alchemical corpus. He earned a doctorate from the Université de Paris-Sorbonne (1995), and his latest extensive research (Les œuvres alchimiques attribuées à Arnaud de Villeneuve, París-Milà, 2011) compiles, revises and expands his systematic studies on the alchemical works which have erroneously been attributed to Arnau de Vilanova. .

Josep Alanyà

He is the director of the Archive of the Cathedral of Tortosa and the Diocesan Archive of Tortosa. Trained as a philosopher, theologian and philologist, he is an archivist and historian. He has published numerous document studies, including books, articles and papers primarily focused on the local history of Tortosa and its neighbouring lands during the Middle Ages.

Barbara Scavizzi

She earned a doctorate from SISMEL with a thesis on Il tractatus epistolarum christini di Arnaldo di Villanova. Edizione critica (2009), supervised by Francesco Santi. She has been a SISMEL affiliate scholar for its bibliographic databases Medioevo latino and Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Maedii Aevi -C.A.L.M.A.

Other contributors:

Miquel Hernàndez

Database creation and maintenance.

Jordi Bossoms

Student of Classics, UAB (2018-2019).

Maria Cabré

Master in medieval studies (paleography, codicology and medieval philosophy).

Mireia Subirana Brecha

Student of Classics, UAB (september 2014-january 2015).

Cristina Sáez González

Student of Classics, UAB (september 2014-january 2015).

Luis González Mérida

Intern from the UAB’s Department of Philosophy (January 2014 – June 2014).

Carlos-Sebastià Delgado

Intern from the UAB’s Department of Philosophy (January 2013 – June 2013).

Illustration: Peter the Great, injured in a fight against the French in 1285. Giovanni Villani, Nuova cronica, ms. Vaticà, BAV, Chigiano L VIII 296, f.137v. This was the first king whom Arnau served as physician (Source: Wikimedia).