1. Tractatus quidam in quo respondetur obiectionibus quae fiebant contra tractatum Arnaldi De adventu Antichristi (“Treatise responding to the objections waged against the treatise On the coming of the Antichrist by Arnau de Vilanova”, most likely after 1310): This treatise is anonymous in the only manuscript of it remaining. It is not cited in any list of Arnau’s works written by Arnau himself, nor is it cited in any of his works. The Tractatus defends Arnau de Vilanova against the objections that his adversaries had levelled not only against De adventu as the title says, but also against other works. Some of the objections are documented in the Contra divinatores et sompniatores by Agostino Trionfo (1310). The author draws from authentic texts by Arnau. There is a clear distinction between the author/narrator and Arnau (denuntians).
  2. Expositio super XXIV capitulum Matthaei (“Explanation of Matthew, chapter 24”): The only manuscript that has conserved the Expositio attributes it to Arnau de Vilanova, but it is not mentioned in any of the lists made by Arnau himself, nor is it cited in any other work. It is an exegetic commentary on chapter XXIV of the Gospel according to Matthew.
  3. Conflictus iudaeorum (“The conflict with the Jews”): This work is anonymous, but it was copied immediately after an Arnaldian work in the only known manuscript copy. The Conflictus is a proposal of a king made to the head of a Jewish community via an intermediary, inviting him to talk. Arnau de Vilanova recommended a similar course to Frederick of Sicily, and other historical testimonies confirm that he really did do this. If this work ends up being by Arnau, so would the Prima propositio de conflicto iudaeorum (“First proposition on the conflict with the Jews”), which at this point is lost.
  4. Tractatus contra passagium ad partes ultramarinas (“Treatise  against crossing the sea”): This leaflet is also anonymous, but we find it among other Arnaldian works in the only manuscript that remains. The author of this treatise, which is addressed to a king, argues that the spiritual conditions needed did not exist for a crusade that someone was trying to undertake to be successful. Before attempting it, these conditions (zeal, conduct and evangelical works) had to be in place.
  5. Expositio Apocalypsis (“Explanation of the Apocalypse”, Saint Victor of Marseilles, 1306). This is an extensive commentary on the Apocalypse, word for word. It was published in the name of Arnau de Vilanova. However, the oldest manuscripts (known when the edition was already almost finished) do not attribute the work to Arnau de Vilanova. The author draws from the historical trinity division by Joachim of Fiore which was not only not used in Arnau’s works but also explicitly denied. The author might have been a monk (Hugh De Nevers?) from Saint Victor of Marseilles.
Illustration: Bamberg Apocalypse, f. 31v, Bamberg, Staatsbibliothek, MS A. II. 42. Source: Wikimedia.