Epistola ad priorissam de caritate (“Epistle to a prioress on charity” between summer 1305 and the year 1308). The Catalan original of this work has not been conserved. It is an exegetic commentary on 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 addressed to a nun. The purpose of this brief work is to define Christian charity compared to fraternal love. The signs of charity allow true Christians and conversely the falsifiers of Jesus Christ’s doctrine to be identified.
De helemosina et sacrificio (“On alms and sacrifice”between 1309 and 1310). This brief work is primarily devoted to two topics: the superiority of the state of virginity over the state of marriage, and alms over the establishment of chaplaincies. The third part responds to several objections one might make of the second. We also have four fragments of this work in Catalan.
Alia informatio beguinorum. Cf. no 46.
Per ciò che molti (from after De helemosina…). This is a summary of everything Arnau de Vilanova had denounced, since many people wanted to know it. Whoever wants to achieve the glory of heaven must live in charity, shape their life around the way Christ acted and bear their own cross. The four arms of the cross signify the virtues of humility, justice, patience and charity.
Versions in Tuscan Italian
Epistola ad priorissam de caritate. Cf. no. 49
Lliçó de Narbona. Cf. no. 43.
Per ciò che molti. Cf. no. 52.
Versions in Greek
Allocutio super significatione nominis tetragrammaton. Cf. no 2.
Alphabetum catholicorum sive de elementis catholicae fidei and Antilogíai katà tôn eireménon (the last past of Alphabetum catholicorum). Cf. no. 3.
Philosophia catholica et divina. Cf. no. 10.
Eulogium de notitia verorum et pseudoapostolorum. Cf. no. 15.
De humilitate et patientia Iesu Christi (“On the humility and patience of Jesus Christ”, from the late years of Arnau’s life). This work was written in Catalan, but only the Greek version still survives. It is addressed to a nun and explains a vision she had of another nun.
Lliçó de Narbona. Cf. no. 43.
Ad priorissam, de caritate. Cf. no. 49.
Per ciò che molti. Cf. no. 52.
Versions in Castilian
Alphabetum catholicorum sive de elementis catholicae fidei. Cf. no. 3.
De helemosina et sacrificio. Cf. no. 50.
Illustration: One of the many monasteries of Mount Athos in Greece. The request that the monks of Mount Athos made to Jaume II (through Arnau) to protect monasteries from the Almogavars may explain the origin of the Greek translations of some of his spiritual works (Source: Wikimedia).